Saturday, 27 September 2008

Earls Court Station

Hi guys,

This is an interesting use of public space in the form of Earls Court tube station that has been used for exhibition. The concourse/ foot path/ bridge on the far right hand side of the image has been used previously by Kensington and Chelsea College (i think its an art school or something) as an exhibition space, which they curated themselves and contained both artwork and photography. The path is public space, and passengers normally pass through this bridge between the 2 exits. The image isn't the best, but basically the art work was displayed on the wall that you can see on the right, and stretches from one side, all the way down to the other, with the works displayed in basic frames (i think like the advertising ones).

I'm not sure if the exhibition is still up at the moment, coz i remember seeing it there well more than a year ago when i was passing through. But i thought that if an educational institution had used the space before, that there might be a chance for us to do the same, with maybe no expenses?? We could potentially try and contact Transport For London and query about it, but thought i'd share this with you anyway as its not your normal gallery space.

I got the original image from:

and the Kensington and Chelsea College website is here:



1 comment:

Digisnapr said...

We discussed this idea today during the group meeting. It was felt that as the area is not really a designated gallery space people would walk straight past the work and not really acknowledge it's presence, as the train station does not really promote the atmosphere that people should stop to have a look at the work. Because of this we felt that maybe the work wouldnt really be appreciated... Still, it is an option and we will keep it in mind :)