Saturday, 22 November 2008

IDEAS for possible BED from ikea!

i looked at the ikea website for beds to help u niks find the cheapest bed...n saw these two beds, they are pretty cheap and simple...

the first one is... DALSELV, Bed frame, £29.00

the second one is...EINA, Bed frame, light brown, £39.00


Sorry for my late replies to some of the new posts. Let me clear some things up.. 
  • Niks- I've got one pillow, not two, but its quite poofy... i thought that quite a while back someone was going to donate all the white bedding stuff, including bed sheets, duvet covers and pillow covers?? If not i could just pop out and find some white pillow cases somewhere, i could do with some anyway. Oh, and yes i'll bring down the pillow on Weds for ya.
  • Niks- I will probably need to speak with you about how i should go about get my bedside table down to you, and when would be best. But i guess we can talk on Monday more about that, as im still using it up until the exhibition.
  • I'll also pick up the transfer sheets aswell.
  • Jessica- I've got the remaining 20 invites, and i need to save them to send out to the artists themselves, which Lee is going to help out with (coz he has the most communication going with the artists). Sorry, i thought with the email you sent me that we weren't going to meet up on Friday, i guess i should have made that clearer! 
  • I have started receiving lots of the artwork through the post, at the moment, its 5 altogether. 3 paintings (the dog/cat mask one, the ghostly keyhole one, and the secret best friend one that was supposed to be a back- up), and i have also received the DVD for 'Tearjerker,' and also the light installation with the cheese grater.
  • My concerns are: the paintings are on canvas board, and one of them is MUCH bigger than we anticipated... its bigger than A1... so INSTALLATION TEAM... Niks... we need to draw up some new plans and work out what we're gonna do with them!! I'll be bringing them in on Monday, (well, i'll try to with ma small self lol) maybe we could come in earlier and hold an emergency meeting... ? Lee said we could store the works at his, or your place... is that ok?
  • Lee- the light installation guy said in a letter with the work, that he'll need to contact you about coming in sometime to install his work. Right now, its literally just a cheese grater, and a box of quality street wrappers in a box that he's sent us... oh, and a pen torch. So you'll probably be hearing from him soon.
  • The light table installation is also due to arrive sometime Monday, or Tuesday, so thats quite a lot of work we've received already.
  • Kudos to Lee for remaining loving with me through all the mishaps ;) 
That's pretty much all from my side :)

Ikea tomorrow

so just got of the phone with Georgi, and he's fine fine and dandy about going to Ikea tomorrow....HORAY!!! : )

so ive checked out the 2 possible wardrobe, the wider one " Eina" is, as jessie mentioned more practical for having Helenes print on the back of it. so personally im for that one. anyone other takes!?! you know me, supportive about everything and anything lol

just thought id let everyone know that were going to Ikea, and that if any one kinda dis-agrees with this then please do stand up. but im getting the impression its literally 50/50.

were going tomorrow, after about noon, once wev'e collected helenes gear. if i dont hear any objection then its going to be all go!

: )

Flyers are ready

Hi all,

The flyers to send via email are available here:

I know the map is small, but with so much to fit on I don't see what else we can do...any suggestions welcome, just comment on this post or email me.

Printed flyers should be ready to pick up during wednesday's lesson.




10.30am Queen Allen

11.00am John Knapp

11.30am Genii Wang

14.00pm (they cant make it any earlier) Start hairdresser photoshoot

There are going to be 6 models, 2 from each hairdresser. They are all together so I dont think it matters who gets their photos done first.
if we spend 20 to 30 mins taking photographs of each person, we should be done by 5 or 6pm, this time includes all the editing of the images too, thats why the more of us there are to help out, the quicker and smoother things will run.
of course this is just a plan, speaking from experience things usually run overtime, so we might end up finishing at 7 or 8 for example, so be prepared!

Are we still looking for people to help get the studio equipment from lees to the birdcage?
i can help with that, its just that im planning on carrying some heavy speakers to the pub as well, so we can listen to some music whilst doing the shoot, it might help the people relax and be more comfortable posing in front of us, which means we can get good pictures of them quicker.

Is the speaker neccessary, will we have speakers already in the function room?

if nobody volunteers to help out Lee take the equipment to stoke, i think our best option would be to get a cab from lees to the birdcage, not sure how much it will cost but this is our only option if nobody can help out.

what do you think?

Do we already have the blank cds where we are gonna put the images on. Do we have enough people coming with laptops/photoshop?

How many people from the group can actually come and help out with things?
we need,
and people to show the pics to the people and do various little jobs that needs doing.

Of course we could all change positions as well if need be.

Friday, 21 November 2008


oh yeah, forgot to add:
Kate mentioned it in one of her earlier postings; what about the catering team for the opening night?
I'll do it anyway, professional as I am (ha, ha..) and thus will amaze people with my.. skillz. I haz dem.
Perhaps one or two (max!) more?
It really isn't a big deal but I don't want to hand out food all alone, it can be a bit stressful.

Are we just going to have the sponsored food (Daniel, what about the sushi?) or are we going to provide some, err, home-made stuff or so? I am definitely not a great cook and unable pull a "Jess feeds the Five Thousand"* stunt, so we have to discuss that..

*kudos for anybody who got the reference. :P


What's up?
I was supposed to get an email about what is going on now, seeing as you have already done a load on them on Wednesday.. didn't hear anything back though.

Can Nat and I meet up and do something or how is this going to go from here?
I am not too happy at just being walked over.


Hey...i looked on the ikea website and found these two wardrobe's

one is £55 and the other is £49.50

thats quite cheap hey!?!

let me knw what you think...

Hi may I just know the number and the post code
it is number 58 N16 6XS


In case some of you do not read the comments sections....: THANK YOU to all those who ARE getting on with the many jobs that need doing, but this is to say that Niks and in an earlier post May for example, should not have to be reminding or asking for help in getting stuff done. Neither should I have to be reminding any of you that although this is a group project I am assessing (and have been assessing) each of you INDIVIDUALLY on your own contribution and willingness to contribute throughout the 12 weeks!....Although you were each assigned into groups some of those group jobs are now over or just not busy and the whole point was that you would each then take on other jobs and help out where help was needed.

This obviously does not apply to all of you, but to the one's that it does, I will NOT take on board ANY EXCUSES for any individual's lack of contribution throughout the 12 weeks, especially if you try to blame it on the 'difficulties' of collaboration or on other people. This is all VERY CLEAR!


just to let you know everyone I mailed about sponsorship has responed back as sorry but no, bar about three places and they have not replied at all, will chase them up on Monday.

I did not get any responce about the torches, so will say it again.
Can get LED ones for £2.50, they have five of the lights in. We will not use them enough to replace the batteries so this seems a more economical way of purchasing them.

Again, shall I get them and how many would we like???

As to the curtains, there is a material shop next to my place and I noticed yesterday that they do heavy weight curtain material. There is no velvet but lots of colors of flock style pattern. Generally their material is really cheap. What is the budget for them and how many metres do we need? I can go and price them up tomorrow or monday. Just a thought but there is a theatre in Borourgh Road building, it may be possible for us to borrow some of their curtains or black out material.

Good luck for the head shots, I hear there are a good few of you doing it, it will be fun. L0ts of deep breaths people..

Enjoy your weekends



Hey niks, liz or anyone,

Can somebody please write me a detailed description on how to get to liz's place for the sunday shoot so I can cut and paste it onto the facebook 'headshots' group for all the people that are coming to get pics done.

Thank you,

To Everyone... please read! and reply! thanks

....back again!

so i made a list within the first few weeks of this project, noting who can supply what and so forth. and if im right its as following

Pillows - Nat
Clothes - Everybody.

Nat....are you still ok to supply us with 2 pillows love? if so could you possibly bring them in on Wednesday please : ) did you say that you had white pillow casings too? if not that's cool. i could get some cheap enough, or if anyone else could donate that would be great!


so Clothes guys, as we discussed, wev'e got about 11 images which are too print on plain white T-shirts "theirs going to look awesome!) has anyone get and white t-shirts their willing to say fair well too? personally i havn't

again, if it comes to it, i could always get a good batch from ye olde primark, their like £2 each if im correct??? bargin if ever for what we need them for.

also TRANSFER SHEETS! as anybody. or does anybody know were we could get some from? im wanting to get them on say Monday/Tuesday if it comes to it next week then we can start the process of transferring the images to the t-shirts....also! hows it going on may's transfer front??? anyone know???

Still need a wardrobe..... basically just with a rail inside to hang the t-shirts and put Helenes image on the back.

JUST REMEMBERED!... Velvet drapes for the door frame to the exhibition!...Helene I'm going to have to pop to that place you told me about in Peckham tomorrow, what was it called love? or does anybody else know any other places??? please do say!

Book dummies!....yeah, so need some more, im thinking just books in general maybe, i dont know, kinda lost at the moment with this.

Tables!... so we need 2 for the reception room, i remember Kate mentioning about using those wallpaper tables, folding ones? Im fine with that, and a white cloth over it.... would it be strong enough with the bottles of wine and glasses though?

MAN.... now lady with a van aka Sindy. touch wood! all goes to plan and Sindy will be able to rent a van to collect the stuff from mine and lees on that Tuesday, after the presentation and take it to the foundry.

just a wild guess, but guessing next weeks gonna be just a bit busy.. only a bit

....right a need a break!..............


so i dragged myself out of bed this morning, at the crack of dawn. ok, ok... its was like 8.45am but still.. early!

... any ways managed to get all the equipment : ), and oh my days! that stuff ways a ton! i had to do 2 runs with it from the kit room to lees, i like to think i burned a few calories ; )

so! the stuff's all at Lees now for Sunday, BUT! he is going to need help... with out a doubt, getting the stuff to the location.

im going to be busy with Georgi, picking up Helene's furniture, and we cant do that til noon. so were kinda out the question.

is anyone free??? which I'm pretty sure quite a few people are to go to lees, and help bring the stuff.

remember!we are a team guys, like to think we've done pretty darn well so farand were only as strong as our weakest link...... which in this case would be lee.. sorry lee but its true lol.


message back via here, or text/ring lee or myself a.s.a.p if you! YES YOU! could possibly lend us a hand...or two

cheers guys and gurls : )

visual documentation

here's a few behind the scenes pics from the headshot day and a visit to the foundry...

that blurb thing

hey guys,

put a few posters up around shoreditch with liz yesterday and plastered the foundry walls with them...Jonathon (is that how u spell it?) asked if someone could send him the ad for the website as soon as possible, and said that every friday the foundry has it own lunchtime radio show. He's invited a couple of us to be on it and promote the exhibition on the friday when it's open...anybody fancy being on air???

Thursday, 20 November 2008

sunday shoot

Hi All,

I have managed to book more people for the shoot so there are 8 confirmed so far....i might be able to get more people between now and saturday evening (hopefully!) With the deposits that Ive collected so far, Ive kept £125 because Alaister, georgi and I need it to pay for the insurance that we'll be needing for the exhibition, the rest of the money the group will get on sunday.
So anyone who can make it on sunday to help out will be much appreciated (im sacrificing getting paid £12 an hour (which is alot for a student!!!)to come to the shoot, so Im sure if everyone tried they too can make it,lol.

Thank you,

Photographic Documentation

With visually documenting this project, I know for example that you have a collection of images taken from some of the other possible exhibition venues. However now that the project is taking on a more ‘physical’ dimension (transporting furniture, preparation of space, installation, and the ‘headshots’), it would be good to add to this visual documentation with some images from these ‘behind the scene’ activities. It doesn’t take much effort to do this, especially being photographers and all!

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Press Release/ Publicity/invites

As has been mentioned you need some text information about the exhibition to send out to people, unless you are following through with the Secrets theme and only having it at the exhibition venue?
Karel could you at some point email everyone in the group (including me) a jpg version of the invite (with venue map), so that we can all email our contacts. It might be worthwhile in that non-vip version to also detail the opening dates and times. Thanks

Tom Chair!

Ok forgot to pick a chair for the seminar next Tom do the honours please.

Advertising Again

I have just added another listing onto the Evening Standards listing website. It was free yet again, and I'm sure there'll be more to find aswell. Please everyone, try to look up some yourselves aswell, I'm not even a part of the publicity team!!


Just thought i'd share the good news that Daniel has agreed to post the invites for us through the University, so he's taken the ones that we've done so far, and i'll give him the rest once we've finished it off.
my e-mail is

Advertising on Hackney Council website and mag.

Besides the invites, i have also posted an advert listing on the Hackney Council website (Shoreditch is in the Borough of Hackney) for the exhibition, so hopefully, it will be approved and it will add to our publicity. It was free, so its all good. And they'll also print it in their weekly magazine Hackney in Focus aswell. 

We just need to find out about postage, then we're set for 63 invites to be sent out. You may have already seen the looong list below :P thanks Lee


People Invited So Far

Nikki, Natalie and Myself stayed behind after the lesson to write a few invites and we kinda got a little carried away. Here is a list of everyone that has been invited so far, please add to it by leaving comments

Jenny Owens
Tahera Aziz
Barry Lategan
Tamara Rios
Daniel Rubinstein
Katrina Sluis
Pat Naldi (woot!)
Marie Josiane Agossou
Gordon Kerr
Chris Packham
David Wright
Francis Todd
Justin Randell
Paul Richards
Yara Tschallner (Redgate gallery)
Pedro Vicente
Dave Lewis
Andrew Dewdney
Suzy Kerr-Pertic
Phil Hammond
Terri Daniels
Claire Grafik - Photographers Gallery
Camilla Brown - Photographers Gallery
Tate Modern Curatorial Team
Tate Britian Curatorial Team
Hayward Gallery Curatorial Team
V and A Curatorial Team
Whitechapel Gallery Curatorial Team
Sam Talbot - Proud Galleries
Pat and Trevor - Sassoon Gallery
Getty Images Gallery Curatorial Team
Luke Cooper - Shunt Lounge
Ben Hoyle - The Times
Rachel Campbell Johnston - The Times
Simon Barnes - The Times
Jonathon Jones - The Guardian
Charlotte Higgins - The Guardian
Mark Brown - The Guardian
Melissa Denes - The Guardian
Patrick Burgoyne - Creative Review Magazine
Gavin Lucas - Creative Review Magazine
Gloria Chalmers - Portofolio Magazine
Tara O'Shea - Dazed and Confused
Francesca Gavin - Dazed and Confused
Sylvia Farago - Dazed and Confused
Ned Beauman - Frieze Magazine
Saatchi Gallery Curatorial Team
Charles Saatchi (wishful thinking maybe, but he mayyyyy show up.... As unlikely as it is)
Melissa De Witt - Hotshoe Magazine
Anne Williams - LCC BA Photography Course Director
Helen Sumpter - Time Out
Martin Coomer - Time Out
Art Review Magazine
Martin Newth - UoA Camberwell BA Photography Course Director
Mark Loveday - Northampton HND Photography Course Director
Nicola Oxley - London Met BA Photography Course Director
Barbican Curatorial Team
Bart Can Der Heide - Cubitt Gallery Curator
Julie Lomax - Arts Council
Rachel baker - Arts Council
Lily Davies - Arts Council
Wing-Sie Chan - Arts Council


I need to email you but I don't seem to have your email address...can anyone help
hi people
sorry for my no show today, unavoidable.  Have viewed final images and appreciate the selection, good job.  Need to catch up on my role in the next stage of work, were roles delegated or what?

Found a  place to get the torches for £2.50, stronger than ones on ebay, not wind up but did a bit of research and found that the LED lasts so long that batteries will not be needed to be replaced for the duration of or project.  If this is cool can cash people ok it and I will buy the required quantity. 

Would like to gather food makers together to chat about what we are going to provide on the opening night.  Believe it is Sindy, Jess and Helene (no chaps???), can you all email me and we can arrange to plan what we are doing and give our budget to money people.


Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Be me for a day!

Hi everyone!

This Sunday, Georgi's managed to get hold of a van and a driver to help move some of the bigger furniture and bits and pieces we need for the exhibition. The original plan was that Georgi, Nikki and I would be swanning around London picking up the furniture, but unfortunately I've been asked to go to Leeds on a work-related trip, so I'm unavailable. I was wondering if there's anyone who could step in and be me for the day to help out?

Apologies for it being short notice, but thanks and suchlike to anyone who can help.

Invited for tomorrow lessons

so its short and all design team, but whoever has the invites, cause ive heard threw the grapevine that Karel has now got the sexy badboys : )....they loook soooo good, so im told! : )

erm, do you want to bring them to pats lesson tomorrow? that way a bunch of us could help put em in envelopes, and put stamps on them, cause im thinking 1 person to do this 100 times.....yup! im kinda thinking its gonna be a ball breaker....soo to speak lol

so yeah if you want help, i suggest bring them tomorrow : )


bubble wrap

hey guys!
do we need any bubble wrap? there's this place in chiswick that can give us loads for free...thought it could come in handy for maybe transporting installations or corners of furniture and stuff. we can pick it up anytime during the week.
what do u think?


The A3 poster has been slightly redisigned and sent off to Callprints. I'm picking them up today so I'll bring them in tomorrow, but in the meantime, here's what it looks like:

Invite cards, transport

Sorry but I won't be able to come to class tomorrow. I will be in Estonia seeing some doctors. I really want to help out more though, so have volounteered to help send out the invite cards, but I will be back on Monday, but it probably needs to be done before that. But if you decide next week is ok, then I'd be happy to do it.

About that - I think we should have come up with the list by now with the names of the people who we are sending the invites to. I tried to find the post to which we were supposed to add the names in comments, but couldn't find it. I would like to add Leann Barber from comment art website, she is a gallery owner just behind Foundry and does guided art walks around east end which I recommend by the way! She might add us to the website which would be great. That's Leann Barber 20 Rivington St, London EC2A 3DU to the list, please! :)

In other news, I will be the 'Man with a Van' on Tuesday, 2.12. :D so the transport problem is solved. Is the van for the confirmed or do I need to do it then as well?

Monday, 17 November 2008

Submissions have been selected

Hey ladies and gents

The submissions were whittled down today to select the final images that will be put in to the exhibition. The images will be shown to everybody on Wednesday but if you really cant wait then you can log in to the gmail and go down to the part that says Labels. All images that we definitely want in the exhibition are under the Red label, all those that are maybes are under the Blue. I have told all of the people submitting entries that we must have their full sized images by the 24th November as this gives us plenty of time to print them.

The images chosen were done so by the committee. It was a group decision. We understand that everyone may not be happy with the images selected, but we made the best of what we had. We have also chosen where the works will be placed and roughly how large they will be etc. We can discuss all this on Wednesday. Please do leave a comment if you have a question.

Thanks to everyone that showed up today and gave up their free time to be included. It was very much appreciated. You guys rawk! lol

There were people that were meant to show up and didn't... I would just like to remind you that this is a GROUP project and that everybodies contributions are needed in order to make this project a success. It is very disrespectful to say that you are going to show up and then not, especially if you dont contact anybody to let them know. At the moment there are those in the group that are doing the vast majority of work, and it isnt fair for them to have to carry the project, whilst others slack off. In summation, if you say you are going to show then please do. If you cant then let someone know, it's just common courtesy



Hi Guys! i just wanna say i'm really sorry that i haven't been in much, ive just had alot of personal stuff going on at the moment! and if you could let me know if there is anything that i can do to help with the exhibition. i wanna make up for all the time ive not been in! im really sorry once again!

Parveen x

Sunday, 16 November 2008

I reckon as many people from the group should be present on the day cuz I can imagine it will get quite hectic. Some people can be taking the photos and some editing, we can swap positions too. All the hairdressers and their models, I told them to come in the afternoon/early evening and the rest of the people who want to come I ve told them to come in the morning. we have to talk about who from the group will be able to come on the 23rd so we can plan the whole day much better. I told the people who want thier photos done that we will spend up to 20 mins to half an hour with them!( is this cool, is this too long to spend on each person? wot do you think?) anyway we will discuss further


Hi All,

For the upcoming headshots photoshoot on the 23rd, Ive collected the £25 each deposit from the people that will be coming. So far Ive collected from 7 people, there will be more but they are not able to give any deposit/money as of yet. Ive told everyone who wants their pictures taken that they will need to give £25 as a deposit before the 23rd and the remaining £25 on the day of the shoot and before we give them the cd, so theres no confusion.

So I have collected £175 so far which I will give to the treasure team on monday. I will collect and give the other £175 before the 23rd ( I promise to collect all before this date so we wont have any cancellations or people trying to rip us off). Altogether I think I can get 9 or 10 people to have thier photos done, I am aiming to raise £500 so we have more money to play with, so we can really go all out with this exhibition!

Sorry I missed the most recent meeting for reasons which were not in my control, I would like to join the the submission team for tomorrows meeting also.

I will discuss things about the shoot in more detail tomorrow with you guys!

See you,

Reminder for Submissions

so the guys/girls who are coming to the meeting, just a reminder for all that it's tomorrow at 11am.... get a bit of a lie-in : )

the people are

Submission Team.....Lee, Paul, Nicky
Installation Team.....myself


....and i think thats it really...sorry if ive forgotten anyone : S. but im pretty sure that was the finalised list by end of Wendesday meeting. so we'll all meet in the Keyworth 11am sharp people : )

enjoy the rest of your sunday!