Saturday, 18 October 2008

StarNow advert

Hey, just to let you know that i've put one advert on StarNow, it cost £5 for just to one! I put on the head-shots open day but if you would like to advertise to photographers for submissions on there, you'll have to let me know and i'll have to clear it with Nikki & Helene. Can't believe how much it cost!


Hi all,

Just one question to the installation team. I have some furniture that I need to 'get rid with' (Im moving house you see....). SO what I can contribute with is a computer desk, book shelfs, orange armless chair and maybe a few more bit and bob's. How does that sound??

And also, if I can storage it somewhere that would be great- Lee, have you got a stoage room in halls???? Hmmmm.

please let moi know.


Friday, 17 October 2008

Website and Small Print problems sorted!

Hey, just to let you all know, that while we've been having problems on DA especially due to accidental wording of our small print (permission to use for advertising, merchandise and promotion etc) Paul has now sorted it on the website so it now reads 'Copyright for all work will remain with the artist, you are only giving us permission to enter the work in to the exhibition itself and possibly for use in promotional material (flyers, posters etc). If you don't want us to use your work in promotional material, just let us know.'

It's really important that we make it clear that we are not art thieves or scam artists as we have already been accused of being. I don't think we can really be more clear than that.

We have also added that submissions can be entered anonymously if wished, as long as other guidelines are followed. I've just thought that we should also put in that the exhibition is 'non-profit' so we'll put that in now.

election meeting

hi everyone!

The photographic society has been founded, now all that is left to be done before we can start organising events is to have a democratic election to pick a president, secretary and treasurer. I now we already agreed who would do what but we still have to have an official election with the president of societies and organisations present. I therefore have the privilege to announce to you that at 12.30pm on Monday there will be a meeting in room B466 in the Borough road building. We still have our usual morning meeting in Keyworth, and can all just walk down there together afterwards to have the election. it really shouldn't take long and we'll be near the afternoon lecture room so nobody will be late for that don't worry...
i know this takes away that little break we usually have between the two, I'm really sorry, it's for the greater cause!
see u all on Monday,


Thursday, 16 October 2008


hey all
I have just received a mail from Jonathan at the Foundry with an offer for space there.

The dates are earlier than we thought, this could be a problem.

The two rooms are small but enough for what we want to do.

I think that the location is super, it has a bar upstairs so there is already alot of traffic generated to visit. It's the Foundry, its uber cool and arty if that is your thing.....

Would a couple of people like to go with me tomorrow or Saturday? Email me to arrange this.

Here is his email:
If you are still interested I could give you a few days in our sub-basement bank vault. That is NOT the big basement room with the turntable floor but the two-room space one floor beneath that.

For measurements check plans on our website

You can have max. one week from Tuesday 2 Dec - Sunday 7 Dec. You should do an opening night party on Tuesday 2 Dec or Thursday 4 Dec.

Let me know..

Jonathan - Foundry
0790 425 6653

We need to see it quick as Monday is decision day.

our terms and conditions

Hey guys I think we might encounter problems in going to get people to submit work to us, because the responses I've got have been very negative regarding our terms and conditions.
For example, one of my friends got a this message from his friend who is a sculpture artist:

"Hey James, your mate's exhibition has a really dodgy clause and is essentially a rip off. I don't know if this guy is legit and just didn't think it through properly, but as things stand, really don't pass this invite on to anyone you like

"by submitting to this exhibition you are consenting for us to use your artwork in any exhibition related ... Read moremarketing, merchandise or promotion.."

If I submit something then I don't even have to include it in the show but they want to have the right to sell copies of my scupture (or prints if I were a 2d artist) for merchandise... Get fucked"

I think we should bare this in mind that this might be the response of real artists and that we might get some work only from people who either don't care or understand the terms - and would we really want work from such amateurs then?

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Wednesday's meeting and plans for Monday

Next meeting is on Monday at 11am outside Triangle lab!

Kate will be the boss, so please send her all your requests by Sunday, so she can make a list of topics that we shall discuss at the meeting.

In today's meeting it was decided:

- On Monday we need to gather all the information about all the possible venues and decide which one to use. As we've got quite a few places already, we might have to vote, we'll see. But Monday is definitely the deadline.

- Fundraising Team needs more ideas and more people. Whoever is not in any of the teams or not busy with their own team's issues, please join the Fundraisers.

- As the website is up and running and the submissions letter has been sent to the LSBU Digiphoto group, everybody should forward this to all the friends and acquaintances interested in submitting work. The invitation is ment for global use, so just do it, send it to your old friends, your family and the penpal in Guatemala. You can also add the pretty simple advert I've just uploaded to our website.
Also, don't forget about the 500 word essay for Wednesday (see unit guide)!

LARC exhibition space is very cool

Kate took Lee and me to the LARC earlier today and the space is very exiting!

We could use the ground floor atrium for the exhibition space, it has quite a lot of furniture and a kitchen corner already in there, so it would make the construction of a living space much easier. There is a storage space in the basement for the things we don't need or the other way around - there are more chairs and tables and stuff there to use.

The room is perfect size and we have freedom to mould it any way we need to.

The place is basically free (they expect a donation, something symbolical like £20 a day) and it is booked for us 10-15 December including the setting up and dismantling the exhibition. There are no limits considering opening times!

Location is quite good, in a short walk distance from 3 tube stations (Whitechapel, Aldgate East and Shadwell).

We don't know about the insurance yet, but Kate will have the information by Monday.
The space for guest on the opening night is literally a small hall that would fit about 8 people max. I guess we could all hang out on the street, though.
We will need to organize food and drinks for the opening night, but we planned to do that anyway.

Online presence

Hey everyone,

The submissions and design/promotion teams are of course firstly responsible for the online presence of the exhibition, but we need help!
Invite all your friends, family, pets & houseplants to the online groups. It's a quick, easy way to find potential contributors.

You can send people to the following: (now up-and-running, guestbook and minor changes coming imminently)

Any questions, throw them my way and I'll do my best to weasel out of replying to them. Not really ;-)

Many thanks for your help!


Question for the Design Team

Umm, maybe this is a silly question, but i just noticed on the website that the email address that Lee sent out in the email today, doesn't correspond with any of the email addresses on the website. The one that Lee sent out in the template email is info@secrets- exhibition., and the ones on the website is queries and submissions, so im just wondering because i've joined groups on flickr and have advertised Lee's one... so im just wondering if it actually exists or not??

sorry for missing it

I'm so sorry I really wanted to come to the meeting today (and bitch and moan :P) but I'm feeling very poorly. I read about the Redgate gallery meeting that you guys went to and it sounds perfect! I'm very excited and will go and see the place. I would really like to do something useful now actually because I'm part of the location team and to make up for not being at the meeting. Could you please tell me what I could do to help?
Hi guys!

Sorry about missing the lesson today, i'm feeling a little under the weather. The staff at the Proud Gallery finally got back to me, its not good news, they told me they have permanent photographic work up on their gallery which would need to stay up on the walls for a certain number of weeks or months depending on how long the artists paid for them to be up there. We cant really set up a bedroom in the gallery but we can hang the pictures on the walls (which isnt really good enough), however they told me that they MIGHT be able to arrange something so we can have the space to ourselves for two days, but it requires a lot of planning and moving the artists work around, which would mean it would cost us a lot more money to hire. I asked for a quote for renting the gallery for two days but they havent been able to give me one, to be honest I think its going to be way out of our budget as it is a really popular place.

Im going to try other galleries, has anyone else checked these?

Atlantis Gallery and the Bridge Gallery
the old truman brewery
91 brick lane london
E1 6ql
Very polular for graduate shows

Islington Arts Factory
2 parkhurst rd. islington
london n1 0sf
Budget darkroom, dance studio and gallery for hire

Redgate Gallery

My oh my! The Redgate Gallery was AMAZING! Perfect for what we are looking for and the woman Yara is both lovely and very enthusiastic about the project. We have told her that we will let her know Monday if we are definitely going to take the booking but everyone that went was really excited and everyone agreed that it was the perfect space for the work we are proposing. Please see pictures below.

The space is just great, a complete blank canvas for us to work with. Yara has said that it is fine for us to put up a black out curtain as well so that we can wall off the exhibition space from the space where we have the launch evening party thing. Overall it will cost £395 and she will need half of this as a deposit on Monday. The rest must be paid 4 weeks prior to the exhibition start date. Please keep reading on as there are some important points we discussed.

  • We could start setting up on Thursday 11th December between 5pm and 9pm
  • The launch night would be on Friday the 12th December and would be from 6pm until 11pm
  • The gallery would open at 1.30pm on the Saturday, as Yara needs time to clean up after the Launch party.
  • Now this is where things get a little complicated. Yara already has a booking for a woman's 40th birthday party on Saturday 13th December and so we would have to dismantle the installation and put it in storage by 6.30pm on the saturday. This should not take very long at all and Yara has agreed to help and even find us a place to store the furniture so that we dont have to take it away from the venue. This doesnt look like it would be much of a problem as there is a theatre studio next door and Yara is friends with the owner. She said she could slip her £20 and hopefully we would then be able to store the stuff for the night.
  • The gallery is closed on the Sunday but Yara will be in early on Monday 15th bright and early to help us set up the installation again. We will then have until the 18th or 19th of December for the show. This means that we are getting almost 8 days!!! For a very cheap price I might add!
  • Yara will produce all press released for us, she just needs things like graphics and text ASAP so that she can get it out to magazines etc.
  • We will NOT be able to bring alcohol on to the premises as Yara could lose her liquor license. This is fair enough as the drinks there are very cheap anyways. We can still have food if we choose.
I know it sounds like a bit of a hassle with the dismantling and what not, but this space is PERFECT! If you get a chance, go see it. It is very close to E&C, very easy to find and looks very professional. The dimensions are just right and Yara is very friendly and helpful. In my opinion we would be foolish to turn this place down as it is an ideal location for the work. Very little effort will be needed to black out the space, and there is plenty of room/ electrical sockets etc. We can have between 80-100 people in the space at any one time, but this does not include people outside smoking or talking.

Insurance should be fully covered as well, Yara gave us a breakdown of what is and is not covered. Everything should be fine. I am totally rooting for this place from now on, as it is just totally AWESOME! lol.


Posters, adverts, logos and other design stuff

Hi all. Especially Submissions Team.

I have created a page where you can download all the adverts and logos the Design Team has created so far. The address is simple:

I will be updating it constantly with new designs for posters and leaflets.
The next designs to go up there will be:

- web and print advert for SUBMIT YOUR WORK FOR 'SECRETS' EXHIBITION
- print advert for BUY RAFFLE TICKETS AT RIGG

area 10 project space peckham

Hi all!!

Area 10 has it's group on facebook check it out so you can find out more about the space.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008


Greetings all
Sorry for my no show at the meeting yesterday, hope it was productive.

The man from the foundry has not got back to me, I have email him and called up there but he was out. I can try another day but it is harder to get about as Rob is uni now again so I am more restricted with my time. Maybe the old street possee could go and check him out. It is not far for them, his name is Jonathon, we is there from about 4.30 each day.

On a much more interesting note I have booked us in for the dates we need at LARC, here is their blurb on the web page:

A collectively run building providing space and resources for people and groups working on self-organised, non-hierarchical projects for radical social change. The resources of the building include meeting-space, library, shared offices, a roofgarden, banner and prop-making space and an action information area. If you're interested in helping out with LARC, booking a meeting-space, or otherwise using the buildings resources, please contact us at the address above...

Check it out, it is an old Victorian building steeped with history, opposite an old very notorious doss house. It too has a secret history, was bought derelict by a collective about eight years ago and over the years its history has come out. Its now a social centre and a few years ago we found out it used to be a Jewish radical school at the beginning of last century.

The building fits our needs as originally it was a house, we will use the whole of the ground floor. It is knocked through into one big space. We could create a bed-sit, front room or a bedroom for the show easily in this area.

Talking of area, it is bang in the heart of Whitechapel, five minutes from the end of brick lane, next to the Whitechapel gallery, lots of creative people who would potentially come as it was within walk of their gallery....

We will get the place for a donation, as its a handshake job they have told me to decide what the donation is.

I have arranged to take anyone who wishes to see the place there after uni tomorrow, I have spoken to Lee and know that some of you are visiting other places first but I am five minutes walk from there so it is just a call to get me there to show people around.

I leave this to the table but think this is a definite possible due to the building, its history and the location.

Talk tomorrow


Monday, 13 October 2008

Hi Guys! i rang Yara from redgate gallery and arranged to meet her on wednesday at 1:30pm afta pats lesson! Yara said that it doesn't take long to get to redgate gallery by train!


Nearest Buses from Brixton / Camberwell: 35, 45, 345, P4 Trainstation: Loughborough Junction (Thames Link from Farringdon, Blackfriars or Elephant and Castle or from Sutton via Herne Hill)


so whoever wants to come along..we'l all go together after Pat's class!

c u all 2moro! x

Logo for SECRETS exhibition ready to download

Click on the links below to download the logo for either web use (web sites, blogs, emails, etc.) or for print use (letters, posters, flyers, etc.). The homepage of the exhibition is going to be with black background, so use the black logo wherever you can.

For web

For print


Here are the Open Day for Head Shots posters again. This time for web use in jpg format. Should be easy to download from the links below. Have fun!

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Monday's meeting

Please accept our apologies - myself and Nicky may be a few minutes late to the meeting tomorrow. Commuting from Kent means it's not always possible to be on time.

Also - am I alone in thinking it would be really helpful if we could create a list of everyone's personal email addresses?! It's not always ideal to post a message to everyone like this...
I'm happy to put together such a list if everyone would be so kind as to send me their contact details (maybe mobile numbers as well?) My email is

Many thanks,


Open Day for Head Shots - adverts to download

Hi all who want to advertise the Open Day for Head Shots.

I've just uploaded the A4 and A5 size posters/flyers, which you can print out in black-and-white. You can see the three different designs here. The girl above is number 03, the boys below are numbers 01 and 02. All files are PDF.

Here are the links:

A4 size

A5 size

The web site design for the exhibition should be up and running by Monday morning. Hopefully. :)