so yes guys, i hate to say it, but tomorrow is the day....sob, sob! : ( ...but how funny was it along the way eh! : ) something to definatly tell the grand kids lol : D
anyways ive discussed with others, and it would be best for everyone to get to the Foundry at 4.30pm tomorrow, as it takes a while to dismantle the equipment, clean up and so on.
Sindy going to or has booked the van for hire from roughly 7.30 I THINK? maybe 6.30 im not 100% sure on that one. plus we dont want to leave it too late either. so if everyone could get their bottoms round for 4.30 that would be grand! : )
p.s how ace is it, not having the project file to do....hahaha : )
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Friday, 5 December 2008
Photos from exhibition
Hi guys
I suggest we upload the photos from the exhibition to the official Flickr group.
Then from these we can make a better selection for the web site perhaps.
I only have these two photos, as the camera I had, didn't want to cooperate with me. Mark should have many photos that I took in his camera ;)

I suggest we upload the photos from the exhibition to the official Flickr group.
Then from these we can make a better selection for the web site perhaps.
I only have these two photos, as the camera I had, didn't want to cooperate with me. Mark should have many photos that I took in his camera ;)

Presentation PowerPoint
Hey guys,
I think Pat would like us to make one flowing powerpoint presentation to accompany our presentation on Wednesday, so Paul and I are offering to put it together, with your help.
Each person would need to create 2-3 slides to support what they want to say, but the end of MONDAY 8th December.
We've decided on Monday because we don't really want to be putting it together last minute and have it affecting our own presentations. If you are unable to get it to us by Monday, your slides will not be included in the ppt presentation.
Preferably, send a ready-made powerpoint presentation that we can just paste in, or otherwise small images and bulleted text, with some indication of what goes where. (the first option would be easier please!)
Send them to Paul's email address:
Ta :)
I think Pat would like us to make one flowing powerpoint presentation to accompany our presentation on Wednesday, so Paul and I are offering to put it together, with your help.
Each person would need to create 2-3 slides to support what they want to say, but the end of MONDAY 8th December.
We've decided on Monday because we don't really want to be putting it together last minute and have it affecting our own presentations. If you are unable to get it to us by Monday, your slides will not be included in the ppt presentation.
Preferably, send a ready-made powerpoint presentation that we can just paste in, or otherwise small images and bulleted text, with some indication of what goes where. (the first option would be easier please!)
Send them to Paul's email address:
Ta :)
Thursday, 4 December 2008
CONGRATULATIONS on your opening tonight, it was a great turnout, and feedback was very positive. You should be very proud of yourselves, WELL DONE!
So keep it going for your presentations and essay!!
Also to let you know that it will be Paula who will be second marking the presentations with me on Wednesday. It will be a very long morning to get through all the presentations, so please we have to begin at 10am sharp.
I am assuming that you are meeting as a group before Wednesday to sort out your visual material and have a quick run through? If not planned then I suggest that you do so as to familiarize yourself with the running order and have smooth ‘handovers’ during the presentations.
If anyone has any questions/concerns, whatever…email me or post on the blog, I will be more than happy to offer advice… it is not just in my interest but I want you all to do really well!
Sorry I won't be able to visit the exhibition again over the next couple of and family.
Have a good weekend, and remember in your presentations to ‘perform’!
So keep it going for your presentations and essay!!
Also to let you know that it will be Paula who will be second marking the presentations with me on Wednesday. It will be a very long morning to get through all the presentations, so please we have to begin at 10am sharp.
I am assuming that you are meeting as a group before Wednesday to sort out your visual material and have a quick run through? If not planned then I suggest that you do so as to familiarize yourself with the running order and have smooth ‘handovers’ during the presentations.
If anyone has any questions/concerns, whatever…email me or post on the blog, I will be more than happy to offer advice… it is not just in my interest but I want you all to do really well!
Sorry I won't be able to visit the exhibition again over the next couple of and family.
Have a good weekend, and remember in your presentations to ‘perform’!
WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW! What an absolutely FANTASTIC night!! The turnout was completely above anyone's expectations, and there was soo much positive feedback. I'm on a high after all this, and i feel so proud that we've produced this great exhibition, and i think that everybody should feel the same. WELL DONE EVERYBODYYYYY!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)
Let's just hope the room airs out tonight because it smells very icky with sweat and alcohol. Hope everybody enjoyed tonight, and don't forget if you're invigilating tomorrow and Saturday!! See ya'll tomorrow for the presentations :(
Nat xx
exhibition details
yeah, i agree about the cheese grater; the video is just playing to be honest so it's not that intrusive, but no one is really getting what to do with the cheese grater so i think it should be hidden, perhaps under the bed... if anyone gets down to look they can shine their torch inside it...
also the shoebox on the bottom of the bookcase needs to be sealed and stuck down to the shelf somehow because people keep opening it (even though it's got something on it...) and seeing if there's anything in it. The big cat-thing that's on it nearly broke earlier cos someone dropped it on the floor whilst looking in the box... something is needed there to make it more interesting so i don't suggest removing it completely, but it does have to be secured properly.
any other points?
also the shoebox on the bottom of the bookcase needs to be sealed and stuck down to the shelf somehow because people keep opening it (even though it's got something on it...) and seeing if there's anything in it. The big cat-thing that's on it nearly broke earlier cos someone dropped it on the floor whilst looking in the box... something is needed there to make it more interesting so i don't suggest removing it completely, but it does have to be secured properly.
any other points?
Video & cheese grater
I haven’t seen this video work but I agree with Kate…the quality of the works you exhibit will reflect on you as the curators and be detrimental to the quality of the other works. Which brings me to the cheese grater…I have seldom come across a work of such ‘quality street wrapper’ value, which prompts me to suggest that if it is to remain in the exhibition, it should be very very secret and be made virtually impossible to find. If anyone wants to try to convince me of its hidden virtues then do please try….I will try to be there for 6:30pm.
Well done so far and good luck.
Well done so far and good luck.
in reply to what to do about the video piece,
I am for not showing it, I am sorry but when we were told yesterday it was chosen simply becase a video piece was needed I was not impressed.
The work on show should be there as it is quality, not stuffing to bulk out the show.
Email the artist and tell them the work can not be shown and say sorry.
Thats my thoughts on this one folks.
Also sorry can not be there for 4.30, will get there as early as I can.
I am for not showing it, I am sorry but when we were told yesterday it was chosen simply becase a video piece was needed I was not impressed.
The work on show should be there as it is quality, not stuffing to bulk out the show.
Email the artist and tell them the work can not be shown and say sorry.
Thats my thoughts on this one folks.
Also sorry can not be there for 4.30, will get there as early as I can.
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
setting up the exhibition
This is it, people - the opening night is already upon us! :)
We got most of the things done and decided tonight, it was a good effort, big thanks for everyone who was there. But we have just a few hours tomorrow to get everything perfectly set up, so to be able to plan our time better and get a clearer overview of what needs to be done I made a list of tasks that need completing:
blue = the stuff that's allocated and needs to be done before 16:3o)
all other things just need to be done by anyone - so if at any point someone doesn't know how to help, do anything on the list please)
* finish building the bed
- I think it was M.J. who is supposed to bring the slats (90cm please!! :D )
* fix May's image with double-sided tape onto the bedsheet
* and Georgi's image between the 2 pillows
* write secrets on to confession cards
* put 3 confession cards in the frames that are placed on the shelf
* supporting tape removed from the creepy statues that are glued on the wall
* decide where to put the ''ears'' piece (currently next to the TV)
* figure out how to solve the issue of playing the DVD's
- does the invigilator change the DVD's?; how often?; are we gonna have the other video that
we are not so happy with?
- is the TV set going to be a) turned on b) on standby c) covered with cloth d) controlled by
the invigilator?
* wardrobe needs to be sorted out
- currently empty hangers either removed or to have clothes on them
- everyone to bring a white T-shirt, so that we can fill it up more without buying any more
- Helen's photograph to be put up on the wall behind it
- Nikki or whoever promised to do it, to bring the print from the uni studio!
* Flash piece
- Paul or anyone who is good with computers to come up with a way to make it full screen
without any white borders or option to close it
- Jasmine (or was it Nikki who wanted to?) to bring earphones
* Diary sorted - are we gonna leave the prints loose in the drawer or put them in a diary?
- Lee to exchange the notebook to a diary in the stationery shop
- images to be stuck in the diary
- cover the drawer with black cloth
* Parcel to be completed
- Natalie (our master of arts and crafts :P) to turn the shoebox into a parcel
- put the ''secrets'' inside
* Rug
- Was it Helen who was supposed to bring the rug to make the room look cosier
* Finish taping the electrical wires to the walls and hide extension leads etc (health and safety)
* Clean and organize the hospitality room
- mop the floor
- put up information on the wall and table
- set up the wine table
- find a place to store all our bags/coats
* Wine glasses - we decided to get our own
- Parveen to buy the disposable ones
* Wine - are we getting some boxes and smuggle it in?! who will buy it?
* ....there was probably a load more stuff, but can't remember now....
that's right, half four, not at 7 like it says on the posters ;)
- Other days, could everyone please make sure and then doublecheck the rota when they are supposed to be invigilating or helping out on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, because if you fail to turn up it is very unfair towards the others who do. So please-please be there on time :)
- On Sunday, could everyone be there at 16:30 to help dismantle the whole thing, load stuff onto the van and clean up the place. The van will be booked from 7pm so the furniture and heavy stuff needs to be packed up and ready to go then!
We got most of the things done and decided tonight, it was a good effort, big thanks for everyone who was there. But we have just a few hours tomorrow to get everything perfectly set up, so to be able to plan our time better and get a clearer overview of what needs to be done I made a list of tasks that need completing:
blue = the stuff that's allocated and needs to be done before 16:3o)
all other things just need to be done by anyone - so if at any point someone doesn't know how to help, do anything on the list please)
* finish building the bed
- I think it was M.J. who is supposed to bring the slats (90cm please!! :D )
* fix May's image with double-sided tape onto the bedsheet
* and Georgi's image between the 2 pillows
* write secrets on to confession cards
* put 3 confession cards in the frames that are placed on the shelf
* supporting tape removed from the creepy statues that are glued on the wall
* decide where to put the ''ears'' piece (currently next to the TV)
* figure out how to solve the issue of playing the DVD's
- does the invigilator change the DVD's?; how often?; are we gonna have the other video that
we are not so happy with?
- is the TV set going to be a) turned on b) on standby c) covered with cloth d) controlled by
the invigilator?
* wardrobe needs to be sorted out
- currently empty hangers either removed or to have clothes on them
- everyone to bring a white T-shirt, so that we can fill it up more without buying any more
- Helen's photograph to be put up on the wall behind it
- Nikki or whoever promised to do it, to bring the print from the uni studio!
* Flash piece
- Paul or anyone who is good with computers to come up with a way to make it full screen
without any white borders or option to close it
- Jasmine (or was it Nikki who wanted to?) to bring earphones
* Diary sorted - are we gonna leave the prints loose in the drawer or put them in a diary?
- Lee to exchange the notebook to a diary in the stationery shop
- images to be stuck in the diary
- cover the drawer with black cloth
* Parcel to be completed
- Natalie (our master of arts and crafts :P) to turn the shoebox into a parcel
- put the ''secrets'' inside
* Rug
- Was it Helen who was supposed to bring the rug to make the room look cosier
* Finish taping the electrical wires to the walls and hide extension leads etc (health and safety)
* Clean and organize the hospitality room
- mop the floor
- put up information on the wall and table
- set up the wine table
- find a place to store all our bags/coats
* Wine glasses - we decided to get our own
- Parveen to buy the disposable ones
* Wine - are we getting some boxes and smuggle it in?! who will buy it?
* ....there was probably a load more stuff, but can't remember now....
that's right, half four, not at 7 like it says on the posters ;)
- Other days, could everyone please make sure and then doublecheck the rota when they are supposed to be invigilating or helping out on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, because if you fail to turn up it is very unfair towards the others who do. So please-please be there on time :)
- On Sunday, could everyone be there at 16:30 to help dismantle the whole thing, load stuff onto the van and clean up the place. The van will be booked from 7pm so the furniture and heavy stuff needs to be packed up and ready to go then!
Exhibition floorplan

JPG version here (72 dpi)
JPG version here (300 dpi)
PDF version here (300 dpi)
I'll print it and make copies.
order of presentation
1) Intro - Lee
2)Concept- Jess
3)Venue- Sindy, Parveen, (Aga)
4)Fundraising - Jaz, Liz, May
5)Sponsership - Daniel
6)Design, Publication - Tom, Paul, Karel
7)Submissions/Selection - Lee, Nicky
8)Logistics - Nikki
9)Installation - Nat, MJ, Mark
10)Insurance - Alastair
11)Publicity - Nat
12)Fludidity/Summary - Helene, Kate
Happy days!!! : )
2)Concept- Jess
3)Venue- Sindy, Parveen, (Aga)
4)Fundraising - Jaz, Liz, May
5)Sponsership - Daniel
6)Design, Publication - Tom, Paul, Karel
7)Submissions/Selection - Lee, Nicky
8)Logistics - Nikki
9)Installation - Nat, MJ, Mark
10)Insurance - Alastair
11)Publicity - Nat
12)Fludidity/Summary - Helene, Kate
Happy days!!! : )
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
I know I am really showing my age here - as kindly pointed out to me by Lee - but like Lee's mother I have an 'old' tape answerphone which I am happy to lend you for the exhibition. You can record your own audio...or even the visitors could record theirs...and it can be switched on and listened to in the space by visitors. I even have a blank tape...yes tape...that old vintage stuff!
If used I would of course like it returned...although clunky I'm sure one day it will be worth more than it originally was!....oh and I bought and used it in an exhibition myself!
I will bring it in tomorrow just in case.
Hope Ikea furniture riddle was sorted.
If used I would of course like it returned...although clunky I'm sure one day it will be worth more than it originally was!....oh and I bought and used it in an exhibition myself!
I will bring it in tomorrow just in case.
Hope Ikea furniture riddle was sorted.
Also can I just give a huge pat on the back to every one that helped out today!! great job guys!! the room looks GREAT!!
the bed
hey guys just to let you know ive got the slats for the bed, there were two sizes 80 cm and 90 cm. I got the 90 cm, MJ will tell me if its the right size tom, if its not the right size then back i go to Ikea!!
EVERYONE! if you even "think" that something MAY be needed tomorrow... i dont know, like, furnishing then PLEASE PLEASE bring to tomorrows lesson. better to have it then not eh : )
notes from today... for tomorrow i know its late and all, everyones probably in bed, but hey, ive only just stopped lol. never mind eh : P
anyways made some notes, mixtures of "thinking out loud" stuff and stuff to remember basically for tomorrow
Collect Helenes photo from the studio
Cut the last 2 prints at uni
comments books,
wire tape (white)
2 white pillow covers, argos for £4.99 last time i checked!
glue spray
sindy to bring in her duvet cover, to see what we think, if not suited then buy a cheap one, or Jaz possibly lend us hers.
Mj to bring his photoalbum ... see how its looks to possibly put the text secrets in.
sindy - 1 pillow & duvet
extension lead, the ones on the reel thingy
myself to bring a cushion for the chair
Nat, shoe boxes, as many as you can yeah : )
Karel, empty dvd
myself, pens
place shirts on hangers
spray glue images down, in books, drawers.
mount painting on wall
double check the layout
send Karel copy of layout to produce "graphically"
write confessions in photo frames, from site and instant ones from individuals
write up the secrets from the website onto the 6*4 paper, Nat's got. to be placed either in MJ's photoalbum of in a shoe box to be possibly decorated as a package...
anything else guys...feel free too add : )
see ya'll tomorrow at 10am! bright and early sunshiiiiiiiiines!
anyways made some notes, mixtures of "thinking out loud" stuff and stuff to remember basically for tomorrow
Collect Helenes photo from the studio
Cut the last 2 prints at uni
comments books,
wire tape (white)
2 white pillow covers, argos for £4.99 last time i checked!
glue spray
sindy to bring in her duvet cover, to see what we think, if not suited then buy a cheap one, or Jaz possibly lend us hers.
Mj to bring his photoalbum ... see how its looks to possibly put the text secrets in.
sindy - 1 pillow & duvet
extension lead, the ones on the reel thingy
myself to bring a cushion for the chair
Nat, shoe boxes, as many as you can yeah : )
Karel, empty dvd
myself, pens
place shirts on hangers
spray glue images down, in books, drawers.
mount painting on wall
double check the layout
send Karel copy of layout to produce "graphically"
write confessions in photo frames, from site and instant ones from individuals
write up the secrets from the website onto the 6*4 paper, Nat's got. to be placed either in MJ's photoalbum of in a shoe box to be possibly decorated as a package...
anything else guys...feel free too add : )
see ya'll tomorrow at 10am! bright and early sunshiiiiiiiiines!
transfer on sheet :(
Just have to say, trying to print out May's image on the sheet was a total disaster. The employees at the transfer place in Elephant and Castle where totally incompetent and time wasters. The first time I went they were having problems and didn’t really know what they were doing and told me to come back the next day as the head printer man would be there. I went today and he was even worse than the first woman. So that idea is scraped. Don’t go to that place it sucks!!!
quick reminder
for everyone who said that they can bring cleaning stuff like, buckets, mops etc. i think it were mainly the guys in halls can u please just remember to bring them. your probably best collecting them after the presentation : )
see ya'll in abit!
see ya'll in abit!
Monday, 1 December 2008
Money, Money, Money...du'du,...must be funny in a rich mans world
so guess, theirs been quite a few outgoings over the past week, from Wendesday to today basically, and the grand total is......"Drum roll please"
£325.37p TO BE EXACT! : )
so the only thing now to come out is the
money for the wine,
Torches, drapes, white tablecovers, which as far as i know Kates sorted with? so basically square kate up for that.
and possibly the odd cleaning stuff...MARY GOLDS AND ALL! : ) LOL
....and now all is grand in the world. BRNG ON TOMORROW...EH SINDY! ; ) LOL
£325.37p TO BE EXACT! : )
so the only thing now to come out is the
money for the wine,
Torches, drapes, white tablecovers, which as far as i know Kates sorted with? so basically square kate up for that.
and possibly the odd cleaning stuff...MARY GOLDS AND ALL! : ) LOL
....and now all is grand in the world. BRNG ON TOMORROW...EH SINDY! ; ) LOL
society money
hey hey hey!
so, bad news everyone! spoke to the AJ, the president of societies and organisations at the SU, and he has to go to the council before giving us the money back. he's meeting with them tomorrow and said he will email me as soon as he knows how to go about this (heres hoping eh!). thing is, he's not sure if he can just hand the whole thing over to me or if each individual member has to pick it up personally from his office...pain, arse?
we'll definitly get the money back but just probably not in time for thursday...
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Editing of fashion shoot
hey everyone. hopes ya'll weekend good!
so Tom called me yesterday about the books for the exhibition, and i think we'll just stick with A5 size books.
mainly because the photos are printed for a5 books, so just get however many u like.....10......20.... its upto you tom. because i wont be able to come along tomorrow, to go to the place and check stuff over, im just way too busy. unless if anyone else fancies taking my place?.......
personally i aint really fust on the colour scheme either, but i reckon a majority of folk would say black probably the best. so yeah black A5 book love. if u could : )
im going to be in the triangle lab/ print room tomorrow from 9am til 1. then Andrews lecture so i can give you a bunch of notes to go spending with.
also Alastair you mentioned about that transfer place in elephant und ze castle for the bedsheet. fancy doing that tomorrow? cause again i havnt got the time to pop over....well i may have but still, u fancy doing that at all since you found the place. : )
so Tom called me yesterday about the books for the exhibition, and i think we'll just stick with A5 size books.
mainly because the photos are printed for a5 books, so just get however many u like.....10......20.... its upto you tom. because i wont be able to come along tomorrow, to go to the place and check stuff over, im just way too busy. unless if anyone else fancies taking my place?.......
personally i aint really fust on the colour scheme either, but i reckon a majority of folk would say black probably the best. so yeah black A5 book love. if u could : )
im going to be in the triangle lab/ print room tomorrow from 9am til 1. then Andrews lecture so i can give you a bunch of notes to go spending with.
also Alastair you mentioned about that transfer place in elephant und ze castle for the bedsheet. fancy doing that tomorrow? cause again i havnt got the time to pop over....well i may have but still, u fancy doing that at all since you found the place. : )
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