Saturday, 4 October 2008

The Foundry in Shoreditch

Those of us who went along with Paul on Thursday to the galleries in Shoreditch popped in to the Foundry to have a look at the exhibition space there. Kate mentioned the space earlier already and that she knows the people who run it, so she might talk to them to find out if it's available. But meanwhile I thought it would be useful to mention it here so that everyone would know what it is.

The space is very nice, one room downstairs in the basement of this very ''atmospheric'' or ''laid back'' (if not to say shabby) bar just 1 min from Old Street Station on the corner of Great Eastern St. The bar and gallery are both very popular. So not only would it be easy to find for everyone who we invite, also a lot of other people would see it as well. I liked the fact that the stairs to the basement and the space there are quite hidden, so it would really add to the whole ''secret'' theme. Because the venue should be easy to find, not in a secret location, whereas the exhibition within it could be a bit hidden.
Did I mention it's FREE and the bar upstairs is quite cheap as well.

The pub site:
Exhibiton space site:

Friday, 3 October 2008


Maybe this is a silly question, but obviously i haven't been in most of this week because of this cough of mine. But are we coming in early again on Monday to re-group and talk about ideas etc. ??

idea for funding

We may be able to raise money by putting on a live music night. I know some really great bands that can bring a crowd and play for free. I know loads of venues that allow us to keep any door money we make, but the real money would come from drink sales. We would need to create our own venue and sell 'raffle tickets' or ask for an optional donation. This may be too difficult to pull off in time, so I suggest we try the door money idea.

Does anybody know if they put bands on at the student union? I think they pay pretty well and might be interested in helping us with the cause

Funding idea

moving onto the idea of possible ways of fundraising. personally im really! keen on that idea of a party, i cant remember who mentioned it originally the other week during the meeting, maybe kate???helene??. anyways just thinking allowed here, but i reckon that would be a pretty well tack tile idea. have a kinda "entrance" free, get some good, good tune playing. pretty sure we wouldn't be short of people.

: D

Exhibition Venue

It is good that you are finding and considering various options at the moment. I would like to make some suggestions about things to consider before you make any decisions.
  • Does the venue add/detract to your exhibition concept or is it neutral? (Your exhibition idea being 'Secrets'...think about what would express/be in keeping with that idea....remember by 'exhibition' we are being very does not have to be a physical could be virtual, mobile......etc).
  • Do you want to exhibit for a few days/week(s) or a one off day/evening event?
  • Is the venue hire value for money with reference to days/week?
  • Are the funds needed just for the hiring of venue too high to fund raise for in such a short space of time? Consider the size of the overall budget that might be needed (such as materials, publicity, transport, preview night etc).
  • Is the venue easy to find/hard/far to get to?
  • What are you allowed to physically do to the space? ie. drilling, construction.
  • Do you have enough time to install (construct) and then take stuff down? (It always takes longer than anticipated).
  • Try asking for sponsorship in kind for the renting of the return for publicity.
There are other considerations I could add but these are enough to get on with!

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Redgate gallery

Hey... i found this gallery called REDGATE looks quite nice..i think! :)

1 week hire £395, please email or call 020 7326 0993

Parveen x


Now that we've got the ball rolling, and we're starting to nail down some spaces, i guess we should also be thinking about funding? The worst thing would be to find a great space, then have no money up-front for a deposit or something like. Lets get thinking :D


Antenna Studios Update

i have just got off the phone with Darren at Antenna Studios and they have been able to confirm that they can give us the space from 11am Thursday the 4th December until Saturday the 6th December at Midday. The overall cost will be £279. I have asked them to pencil it in for now and have told them that we will call on Monday to confirm the booking if we should choose to go with this option. If we do go with this option they will expect us to pay a 50% deposit to secure the booking as we have a three day block. It looks like a great space, but if anyone wants to come down at the weekend with me to take a look then let me know. Thanks to Georgi for pointing this place out. How is everyone else doing with their searches? Any other results yet?


Antenna Studios

I have just been on the phone to Antenna Studios which is the gallery space that Georgi suggested. They can'y accommodate us for a week unfortunately but they can potentially give us from Thursday 4th December at 10.30am until Saturday the 6th September at midday. The Thursday could be used for setting up the exhibition and the launch night, the friday could be an open viewing day and the saturday would be for dismantling the work.
The guy who is in charge of bookings is going to call me back in a while with a quote as to how much that should cost and then if it's not a crazy huge sum I will tell him to pencil us in for now and then we can discuss on monday further any other venues that people have lined up as well :) happy hunting.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Quirky Exhibition Space "The Troubadour Gallery"

I emailed a lady yesterday, within regards to a exhibition space which I found, she's happily emailed me back with a price plan, so to speak on how much money were talking about. and basically she's told me that they dont have space available for the whole duration of a week in decemeber (didnt give her specific date in december) BUT! she has mentioned we could do it for 2 maybe 3 days???? what do people think about that kinda timescale??

Hire Charge.
single day, inc and evening private view - £200
2/3 days (with on evening private view) - £150 per day
4/5 days or more (with one evening private view) - £125 per day

the website is

if you check the place out on their myspace page, yes it even has its own myspace! then its

the photos on myspace emphasizes the places quirkyness from the outside, something which i think would possibly be really beneficial for the show.

hope people check this out and respond to it for Monday : )

plus the structure of the space i like to think looks more homely!


Below is the link and contact details for the St Pancrass Church Crypt that I mentioned today.

Tel: 020 7388 1461 email:

Also there is the following church venue:


Hey, look at this website. they offer exhibition spaces for a good price.

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

How great would this be


Im just randomly looking around, about possible exhibition spaces. and I came upon this little beauty. and yes. I know location wise it isnt ideal as situated on a small island on the river thames at brentford, but still. I was highly appealed to the "FREE" aspect of it, haha

check it out, if your bored!

: )

Schedule for Week 2 seminar: Wednesday 1st October.

Meet on the steps at the front entrance of Tate Britain at 10am. We will be visiting and discussing exhibitions by the following artists:

• Martin Creed: ‘Work number 850’, Duveen Gallery Commission, Tate Britain.

• Catherine Yass: ‘High Wire’, The German Gymnasium, Pancrass Road, NW1

• Dryden Goodwin; ‘Cast’, The Photographers Gallery.

We will end the seminar session in the café at the Photographer’s Gallery for a project update and to set agenda for week 3 seminar. (Assuming there is room at the café!)

Even if you have already seen any of these works it is important that you still come along as we will be considering and discussing aspects of these works in specific relation to your project.

Monday, 29 September 2008


Tonight I contacted:

Shoreditch Town Hall and the gallery in Elephant and Castle shopping centre. Both are fully booked. However the guy at the E&C place suggested a place called Home which is in camberwell and may well be suitable. Can someone please contact them because I can't find their number anywhere. Thanks.

so guys, heres a link to the music video "typical nikki eh!" that i was briefly mentioning in our meeting today. 

just thought, since its around the same theme as "secrets" and i remembered this as soon as helene and jessica mentioned it that id post it up on here for you guys to check out.


if the link dosn't work....has usual just go onto youtube type in "american rejects, dirty little secrets" and badda bing, badda boom! 

Project Content

Ok guys, we had the meeting today (minutes of which are to come) and we decided as a group that the theme for this project should be kept simple. We wanted to give people a one word prompt through which to create artwork and we wanted to make the exhibition open to everyone, which would mean a greater chance of us getting submissions. There are many online forums and websites through which we can promote our exhibition so there should be plenty of chances for us to get submittees. The word we chose was 'Secrets' and the current concept is that these images would be submitted, sorted and curated by us, and then the best would be chosen to go in to the exhibition. The current idea is that we build an environment, a personal space, like a room etc and then have the images hidden within the environment so that people had to search through the room to find the images. We want to make this a completely multimedia project and so there can be all kinds of submissions from the public. There might be websites, slideshows, sculptures, paintings, photographs and drawings plus many other art forms. The idea is that by 'snooping' the viewers would be able to discover the 'secrets' and as such interact with the art work and the exhibition space. It also kind of links in with the ideas of voyuerism and the surveillance society that we have previously explored with our own work. Please leave comments and let us know what you think of the basic concept. It is still early days, but we have to get this pinned down as soon as possible if we are to get any work submitted on time for the beginning of December. Thanks.

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Idea for possible location

hey guys, hope everyone's having a good weekend : ).

so not sure if anyone remembers me mentioning about the idea of having the project situated in a some kind of forest the other week. personally i'm all for it, be a very refreshing break from having it within a confined space. Anyhow it's just an idea i thought I'd contribute to the group.

hopefully the photo will show on the post that I found of an example of art work placed within natural elements. pretty interesting stuff!
