Saturday, 27 September 2008

Olivier Toscani

Wow, I'm on a roll today!

I know it's late, and i MUST be bored, but I've got some more research ideas.  I was actually trying to find an image of the exhibition held in the basement of the Benetton store on Oxford Street like 1 year and a half ago from the famous (!) Olivier Toscani (yes, we all know him). Benetton printed out like, A1, A0 sized images of the ads that he done (yes the political, racial, out-roar ones) and exhibited it on the shop floor in the basement where their menswear department was. So it was like a shopping experience, weaving around the prints at the same time :S Oh, and they were displayed on easels... did anyone else see it?

But as i was trying to find an image of that, i also found this exhibit by Toscani too, from another blogger.

Its called Sardinian landscape, and the image was taken by FREDERIK DE WACHTER. 

Night, Nat

Time Out offer / First Thursday info

Hey all, just a couple of things I found:

TimeOut are doing an offer - buy one issue, get 8 free...pretty good! Catch is, you have to let them take the money (just under £3) by Direct Debit. After your first free 9 issues they then charge you significantly more from then. But you could just cancel the direct debit so you'd only pay £3 for 9 issues, sent to your door! See

Also, the First Thursday website (yes also run by TimeOut, no I don't work for them but probably should seeing as I'm publicising them so much) provides a free email newsletter that is very good, lets you know about all the upcoming exhibitions. The spaces would be good to check out for our project. See

Cheers guys, see you monday :o)


Earls Court Station

Hi guys,

This is an interesting use of public space in the form of Earls Court tube station that has been used for exhibition. The concourse/ foot path/ bridge on the far right hand side of the image has been used previously by Kensington and Chelsea College (i think its an art school or something) as an exhibition space, which they curated themselves and contained both artwork and photography. The path is public space, and passengers normally pass through this bridge between the 2 exits. The image isn't the best, but basically the art work was displayed on the wall that you can see on the right, and stretches from one side, all the way down to the other, with the works displayed in basic frames (i think like the advertising ones).

I'm not sure if the exhibition is still up at the moment, coz i remember seeing it there well more than a year ago when i was passing through. But i thought that if an educational institution had used the space before, that there might be a chance for us to do the same, with maybe no expenses?? We could potentially try and contact Transport For London and query about it, but thought i'd share this with you anyway as its not your normal gallery space.

I got the original image from:

and the Kensington and Chelsea College website is here:



Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Hackney In Focus

Here is the work of the previous year. It might be worth taking a look through all of this to see their work processes.

Their blog:

Their flickr group:

Their website:

Their lulu bookstore:

Their exhibition blog:

How to set up a photographic exhibition

Here are some links that might be useful if people want to have a look

Meeting on Monday

Hello all, I hope you didn't have too much trouble finding the blog. Just a quick reminder for everyone that our first meeting is on Monday 29th September at 10am outside the Triangle Lab on the balcony. Please do not be late.

Things to think about before Monday:

1) Possible concepts for the project. What do you think it should be about? What should it include? Form and Content. Overall theme?

2) Possible locations. Available spaces? Contacts? Virtual or Physical?

Once we have pinned down these then we can go about thinking about things such as publicity and funding. Hope you all have a good weekend. Feel free to make posts about any ideas that you may have at any time, and that way we can all comment and give feedback.
