I know it's late, and i MUST be bored, but I've got some more research ideas. I was actually trying to find an image of the exhibition held in the basement of the Benetton store on Oxford Street like 1 year and a half ago from the famous (!) Olivier Toscani (yes, we all know him). Benetton printed out like, A1, A0 sized images of the ads that he done (yes the political, racial, out-roar ones) and exhibited it on the shop floor in the basement where their menswear department was. So it was like a shopping experience, weaving around the prints at the same time :S Oh, and they were displayed on easels... did anyone else see it?
But as i was trying to find an image of that, i also found this exhibit by Toscani too, from another blogger.

Its called Sardinian landscape, and the image was taken by FREDERIK DE WACHTER.
Night, Nat