Friday, 10 October 2008
Waterloo Gallery
This is the Waterloo gallery I was talking about:
(just opposite of the Old Vic in direction of Lower March)
I wanted to drop by today but they were closed but I wanna keep trying, on their homepage they have got stuff to the end of November but nothing further than that so I hope they will be free in December. :)
The Horse Hospital- Proud Gallery
Im not sure if anyone has already checked The Horse hospital-Proud Gallery for the exhibition space but I gave them a call, unfortunately I've just missed the person in charge of the bookings so I was told to email them our requirements for the exhibition (what kind of exhibition it is, dates etc). Then they will let me know if they can do anything for us.
The Proud Gallery provides space for underground and avantgarde media. The location is,
Stables market
Chalk Farm Road
Nearest tube stations are Camden Town and Chalk Farm
their web address is if you want to check it out, it looks cool.
This is the email address I was given
Head-shots Open Day Advert
I've come up with this advert to post on StarNow, DA, and whatever others spring to mind...
Our team of professional photographers and re-touch artists are offering the chance of affordable yet beautiful head and body pictures. All welcome, especially models and actors looking to build up their portfolio.
For more information, email...
I just need an email address, and possibly a mobile number for people to contact, unless you just want me to put the address in and let people turn out unannounced. =)
No ID gallery
I am still waiting to hear back from the Foundry (fingers crossed), if they do not contact me today I will try and chase him up again in person over the weekend. Sorry not more exciting news but at least it is not a knock back.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Monday's Meeting
- Those that are still looking at galleries, please continue with your hard work, and lets have some confirmations!! All individuals are expected to contact the galleries/spaces themselves. We are getting DESPERATE!
- Please continue to sell your raffle tickets, remember that the first 10 are your responsibility, and if they don't get sold, you will have to fork out the £10!!
- Please continue to think about other fundraising ideas, and also about other ideas for the project itself (Plan B)
- All those that haven't paid their money yet, please try to do so by Monday, if not, then on Monday. Money goes to the Treasurers (Helene and Nikki), and please submit your full name, email address, and student no to Jasmine (Fundraising) in order for her to set up your membership for the Photographic Society.
Head shot photoshoots
just after some info for the headshot photoshoot available to buy...
the 'open day' on sunday 2nd november, is that the only day?
and is it going to be in the uni studio?
and the £50 includes a cd of images (not sure about the minimum of 20 for headshots...).
thanx =)
Independent Gallery
you can read more about the space here .
Let me know what you think about it I can always go there, as it's so close ,and ask for more details.
I wrote to Area10 ( i can't call them as they didn't provide any phone number) and to Shorditch basement gallery asking them about costs will let you know when they come back to me.
Redgate gallery
the date she offered was 11th december - 18th december
on the 11th dec - we would set up at 5pm till 9pm
on the 12th dec - we would do finishing touches at 10am til 2pm
Gallery show would open on the 12th december at 6pm till 11pm
and the last day would be on the 18th december at 5pm
its £395 to hire for a week
Yara sent me an email of brief description of services they offer...
I'll also include the services Red Gate Gallery offers:
· Red Gate will create a press release with jpgs and written material provided by you.
· 3 months prior to the show we will start sending to about 60 different press agents.
· We send to all national and local newspapers and we are regularly listed with the Guardian Guide, The Art Newspaper, TNT, Creative Week and many others.
· We will post the images and text on our own site about 6 weeks prior to the show.
· We also send to 150 London and national galleries.
· We will also post the press release on various art events pages, including the gallery channel, arts, Londonfreelist, myspace,, art,,, timeout, thisislondon and many others. The full list will be available to you.
· The listings we send to, we make available to you, so you can check on listings.
· 4 weeks prior to the show we will also invite people you would like to attend on the private viewing night.
· Additionally, we will invite our extensive list of members (over 1500).
· Red Gate runs a fully licensed bar which only opens for Private Viewing nights or other art events. The bar sells a wide selection of very affordable drinks. (Soft drinks £1, wine Australian/Chilean £3.00 per glass, £12 per bottle, beer/cider £2.50, cocktails £3.00, shots £2.50. We also provide snacks free of charge on the private view.
· The gallery is fully insured against theft, accidental damage, fire, floods, etc…these documents can also be made available to the exhibiting artists.
· We also have credit and debit card facilities.
· And the space has full CCTV.
· Red Gate also has a premises license that covers all forms of performance, including music, poetry, etc...
· We will also curate and rig the show in co-operation with you and we provide all the tools, nails, screws etc...
· Throughout the duration of the show we will provide invigilation, so you would not be needing to organise a person for that.
· We can also alter the opening times if you wish us to do so.
· On the Saturday after the private viewing night we also open the bar for a late viewing for people that could not attend the private view, so they can appreciate the exhibition with a glass of wine or cocktail.
· The gallery is situated at the end of a charming cobbled-stoned mews, so in summer drinks can be enjoyed within our outside patio area.
· Throughout the week the gallery café is open for visitors to enjoy a good exhibition with a latte and croissant.
Red Gate Gallery is a non-for-profit organisation that is dedicated to the continuous exposure of contemporary and diverse Art forms. It encompasses artists’ studios, a large gallery space suitable for installations, film projections, performances and exhibitions. Red Gate is located within a busy environment between Brixton & Camberwell. The gallery hosts regular events, exploring strands of thought provoking art. Since 1998 it has hosted over 480 events and exhibitions. Home Page: - check on our up coming events.
Kindest regards
Yara Tschallener, Red Gate Gallery & Studios
Ps: sorry that i was not at weds give you the £13 on friday!
Shameless promotion!
Hey guys, just doing some shameless publicity for my friend who's an actor starting out, he's promised to buy raffle tickets and promote our exhibition and ask his friends and class about buying photoshoots etc, if i tell people about the play he's in. Shakespeare's Richard III, showing from 14th Oct to 8th Nov, at the Brockley Jack theatre in Lewisham (which i'm told is in the back of a pub!!)
Tickets are £12, or £9 for concessions. They're available from, and if you go on a tuesday, the actors get the ticket sales!! if you fancy that sort of thing, it'll be great =) Also, if you know someone who like theatre or shakespeare, please pass it on =) xx
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
photoshoot details
We need
1 x a4 Poster
This should include
Title: Open day for head shots
Discription: Our team of professional photographers and re-touch artists are offering the chance of affordable yet beautiful head and body pictures, all welcome especially models and actors looking to build a portfolio.
Fee: £50 - Includes Studio Session, Cd of the best 20 images plus optional re-touching.
Date: Sunday 2nd November
Contact: Liz Aspden on 0771 74 76 302 email somebody else)
N.b, It would be nice to have some portrait pictures on the poster, and it might be a good idea to have a link to someone's website, someone like you!!!!
1 x A5 flyer
Shortened version that we can distribute at university's etc
1 x Advertisment
A written discription: This needs to be as concise as we can get it as we will publicise it in gumtree
I have also talked to Paul from the stage magazine (a weekly paper for actors, extras, singers, dancers etc)
He said it's 99pence per word and there is a minimum of 29 words for two weeks, if we want to do this we can email him what we intend to say and he will tell us how much it will cost
Jasmine... What was that publication you mentioned???
Treasurer Team Announcement
just thought id put up a notice highlights which individuals owe what and so forth
Self Donation of £10
Photographic Society Membership
If this people could bring the required money to Mondays meeting at 11PM then that would be great : )
Alternative Venue
Fund raising photoshoot
It's Sunday 2nd of November 10am onwards. We need to advertise this so i'll send Karel and Paul the information so the can design some flyers etc.....
venue confirmation
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Draft Submissions Letter
‘Secrets’ is a multimedia exhibition that is being curated by a group of artists in London and we are contacting you today asking for submissions. This is a unique opportunity to have your work displayed in an independent exhibition in Central London at the beginning of December 2008. The theme of the exhibition is ‘Secrets’ and all work that is exhibited will be shown within a constructed environment with which the audience must interact in order to find the artworks. The concept of viewer participation is essential to this project and links in with ideas related to voyeurism as well as notions of the surveillance society. This is an open invitation for everybody and anybody to submit art works to this project, from degree graduates to self proclaimed artists.
Please read the following Submission Guidelines:
· All works are welcome, this is a completely multimedia exhibition. As long as the work is a stylized artwork that relates to the theme of Secrets then it a valid entry for the exhibition. Interpret this as you will, explore the concept, try coming with something fresh and exciting. Everything is valid, so go crazy.
· All works submitted to us must be done so by Friday 14th November 2008this will allow us to edit down the entries and choose those that we feel best reflect the overall theme that we are trying to convey to the audience. Unfortunately any submissions received after this point will not be considered.
· All submissions should be sent to (INSERT SUBMISSION EMAIL ADDRESS HERE) with an email subject line of Submission for (Artist’s Name). This will allow us to track which emails belong to which artist. Also please include a very brief description of the concept of your artwork.
· Please send submissions from an email address that you use frequently. If we should need to contact you for any reason then we shall do so by email and fast responses are critical.
· All photographic work should be sent by email and be no larger than 600 pixels wide.
· All paintings, sculptures, and other 3D “constructed” art should be photographed from multiple angles and the photos should be sent by email (again no larger than 600 pixels wide please)
· All videos or photographic slideshows should be uploaded to YouTube and the direct URL link should be sent to us via the submission email.
· Once we have chosen the works that we wish to display in the exhibition we shall contact the chosen artists and ask them to submit the full-sized artwork to us within a specified time period. If we contact you and the work is not received by the date given then unfortunately we shall have to withdraw the offer of displaying your work and give it to someone as we are on a very limited timescale.
· Please be aware that copyright for all work will remain with the artist however by submitting to this exhibition you are consenting for us to use your artwork in any exhibition related marketing, merchandise or promotion. You are also giving us permission to enter the work in to the exhibition itself.
If you should have any issues or questions then please do contact us at (‘ENTER QUESTIONS EMAIL ADDRESS’). We hope to hear from you soon and good luck with your submission.
The ‘Secrets’ Curatory Team
Insurance Team
earlier I talked to Ati and we agreed to take care of the insurance.
If I could be in any other help please let me know I will be glad.
Ati and May, would be good if we meet to discuss the Insurance issues as soon as I come back from Bulgaria.
Insurance Team
Hi I understand that I have not been able to attend Mondays group meeting, but now I am 100% available and wanting to make an active collaboration. I see that there is still an opening for the insurance team and would like to volunteer myself as a member for this section. If anyone is also interested please let me know. I understand that the venue of the exhibition has not been verified, so I may be able to get the walkabout in Covert Garden as a location. It is not a very attractive venue but it is in a good location. Let me know what you think so that I can ask in further detail.
Notice From Treasures
so as you all know myself and Helene have been put in charged of the finances for the porject, so has lee as mentioned before any "withdrawls" etc must be passed by myself or Helene, as we will be keeping ontop of this for sure.
So hopefully everyone will be able to bring £10 for tomorrows lessons, allowing me and Helene to note it down and basically get the "financial ball" running! : )
also Jaz has done a splendid job on printing the raffle tickets out for everyone to purchase tomorrow...well done jaz! so now we just need to sell them and also everyone, we all need to bring an extra £3 for tomorrow for the society at uni. All has been explained in lee's blog, but just incase anyone may forget.
p.s the Troubadour as a possible space has been decline has they basically cant accomodate the time in which we will really need to put up and put down the work, as Pat mentioned it will take much longer then what we actually think. so yeah that place is out of the running now.
Monday, 6 October 2008
Today's Meeting
In attendance: Lee, Jasmine, Parveen, Paul, Nicola Penfold, Kate, Helene, nikki, Aga, Natalie, karel
· Has anyone yet contacted The Foundry regarding using it as an exhibition space? Kate to contact them as she has a contact that may be able to help.
· Lee to contact Redgate Gallery again as they never got back to us. Parveen has said she will also give them a call.
· Antenna Studios is a no go because it is too far away. Crystal Palace. Lee will contact them to tell them that it is a no go and thank them for their time
· Kate to see Jenny Owens about the universities views on us using the No ID gallery, legal squat.
· Criteria for submissions:
· Deadline 14th November Friday
· Are we going to also include Performance Art as part of the exhibition? Kate has friends that she can contacts that she can ask if they would be interested
· Paul has started work on a website and we all chose a web address that would be suitable. It is
· We discussed forums through which we could collect submissions. Have decided on using online spaces as well as asking friends/contacts as it increases the chances of us findings people to submit.
· We will use: Facebook, Myspace, Flickr, DeviantArt, Friends, Graduates, Ask Daniel For Contacts, Digiphoto, Gumtree,
· Kate will use UCAS to make a database of arts courses in the UK so that the course directors can be contacted as soon as possible in regards to getting their students to submit to the show (Art, photography, Fine Art, Graphic Design, DMA, Visual Arts)
· We will use a standardised letter/email to ask for submissions. Lee is to write this. General Mail Out Notes – Curating an exhibition, a group of collaborating artists, the keyword is Secret and this will be a working title for now, url address for the website, the email address to submit work to, the deadline, for the selection process images no larger then 600 pixels wide, work will not be credited in the actual space but contributing artists will be advertised through leaflets or other media, building a personal space (bedroom) in which the work will be placed, artists chosen to be the exhibition will be contacted and asked to send full size images, artists keep copyright, videos uploaded to youtube for preview, sculptre and painting please take photographs from multiple angles,
· Lee will have submission letter set up by the end of the day
· Paul will have the website up and running soon. Will post screenshot of design to blog for Wednesday. People can discuss final design then.
· Kate Database – Wednesday
· Groups (splitting in to little sub-groups to achieve goals):
· Design and Publicity: Paul and Karel. Will be responsible for any graphic design on leaflets, websites or public profiles etc. Karel and Paul will work together to code the website and any public profiles such as Myspace. Anything with a design element is their area, including letter heads, leaflets, tickets, flyers etc
· Fundraising: Parveen, Liz, Natalie and Jasmine
The fundraising team will be responsible for thinking up, implementing and managing fund raising events. They are more than welcome to request help if they need it and if anyone has any suggestions then please contact the team to let them know. The goal is to raise as much money as possible with the least amount of effort
· Treasurers: Helene and Nikki
Helene and Nikki will be responsible for keeping track of all incoming and outgoing funds. Everyone must keep receipts of expenditure to give to Nikki and Helene. Both of them will be responsible for keeping detailed records. Payments must be approved by both of them so contact them if you have to spend money for your individual teams BEFORE spending the money, they will have to see if it is within the budget
· Installation Team: Nikki and Aga The Installation team are responsible for curating all ideas that the group has regarding how the installation should look/ be set up. They will responsible for seeing who can lend which furniture and also be responsible for designing the space using graph paper etc to show how it should be laid out
· Insurance Team:
Someone has to be responsible for looking in to insurance for the event. Any stuff we borrow from the university will have to be covered by contents insurance and we may also have to get public liability insurance as well. Someone needs to take care of this please
· Submissions Team: Lee, Nicola, Paul The submissions team will be responsible for coordinating the image collection. They will be getting most of the online work as they already have quite an active online presence
· Hospitality: Helene, jasmine ,Kate, The hospitality team will be responsible for catering, food, drinks etc for the show. Will be responsible for afterparty.
· Locations: Should contact Francoise and Chris
· Redgate gallery to contact still
· Troubadour Gallery – contacted them already. Wednesday book a visit. Nikki to contact.
· No ID and Foundry – kate
· Antenna Studios to cancel
· Peckham warehouse – aga to call. By Wednesday
· Fundraising ideas:
· Ask everyone to contribute £10 on Wednesday.
· Raffle off a photoshoot
· Karel to design raffle tickets
· 3 Prizes: Professional Portrait Session wherever you want it within London
· Design Team to design, Fundraising Team to Print and cut up and shit
· Liz has offered a music evening , door entry. Fundraising team to sort that