Saturday, 27 September 2008

Time Out offer / First Thursday info

Hey all, just a couple of things I found:

TimeOut are doing an offer - buy one issue, get 8 free...pretty good! Catch is, you have to let them take the money (just under £3) by Direct Debit. After your first free 9 issues they then charge you significantly more from then. But you could just cancel the direct debit so you'd only pay £3 for 9 issues, sent to your door! See

Also, the First Thursday website (yes also run by TimeOut, no I don't work for them but probably should seeing as I'm publicising them so much) provides a free email newsletter that is very good, lets you know about all the upcoming exhibitions. The spaces would be good to check out for our project. See

Cheers guys, see you monday :o)


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