Friday, 14 November 2008


the ads look really good but my only worry is that they're landscape not vertical. i think that's fine for web pages but to put up in bar and shop windows it might be a problem. is there aby chance getting another version of it?
sorry for being a pain...

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Posters for web and print (A3 size)

Hi guys,

Who ever feels the need to start advertising the exhibition can now use these initial posters for web and for print. I've added all the files to the site

The web posters can be downloaded from these links:
black advert
white advert
The print versions are quite huge files. They are PDFs and A3 print quality. They can be downloaded from these links:

black advert

white advert

Seminar attendance

This applies to a very small minority....however, it is VERY important. As you are aware the university does attendance monitoring of the weekly seminar registers, as obviously do I, and a high level of absence is taken note of.
50% mark of this unit is based on your project contribution throughout, included in this is also attending the weekly meetings you organise AND the Wednesday seminars. Unless you have a very good reason not to attend the Wednesday seminars which you have notified me off (and one or two of you do have genuine reasons!), then regular absence will count against you when I am assessing.

On a university technicality if you are absent for 50% or more of the weekly seminars then you will automatically fail the unit, unless of course you have extenuating circumstances that you have officially notified us of. So, as I do not want to see any of you fail this unit please discuss with me any further regular absences, otherwise I'm afraid it will count against you.

Dummy Books

I have managed to get a couple of 'dummy books' to insert work into....these are hard back authentic looking books (with own titles etc) but with hundreds of blank pages inside. So if you want to use these and the other items you are collecting then submissions & installation team keep in mind where/how you will exhibit the work when choosing them.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008


hello again!

good news for the posters! 
The branch manager of Callprints is willing to produce A3 posters in 120gsm Xerox colourtech (whichbhas a slight sheen to it) for £1 a print +VAT as a gesture of goodwill towards our project. i'm guessing the whole won't cost more than £35 and i don't think they want their logo anywhere but can can offer them anyway...
what do you think? these could be the posters we put in the more important places and use simple photocopies for the rest. If everyone is happy with it just send me the final cut of the poster and i'll get them done asap.
it's all coming together now...woop woop!

Rota For Exhibition Week

Hi all,

This is the rota I've made for the exhibition week, for all the people that turned up to todays meeting. Anyone who wasn't there today, please let me know a.s.a.p. which days you can be there to help out, and whether it's certain hours, or the whole day etc. so i can add you to the list. I'm assuming that everybody who put their name down can help out the full day (of course except the times when we need to go to class etc.), if not please let me know so we can have a concrete rota and make sure we always have peeps at the exhibition.

If it's necessary, we can probably start allocating jobs for the exhibition week next week so that everyone knows what they're doing. The Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday will be mucky days with lots of cleaning, and moving of heavy furniture so be expected to dig in! Practical clothing would probably be a good idea :)

I think thats it for now anyway, have a good week.



hi all! 
popped round to the printing place  after the meeting and gave them a ruff description of what we want for the posters so now i'm awaiting quote, they said they'd email back by the end of the day...
however, on the way back i went passed a catering company and popped in to find out prices and menus. now  the official prices are way over budget. but i told the chef we were a bunch of poor little students trying to make our way in the art world and he offered to give us "private prices" if i email him with what it is we want and how many people it would be for. obviously it would way better to get Yo Sushi to cater but if all else fails...
so what do we actually want? i'm guessing finger foods and canapes but he want a specific list to give us a quote. so suggestions anyone?....


Here are the not-really-minutes-but-close-enough-notes from today's meeting in the caffeine-fuelled BFI Filmcafe:

First of all, Natalie is sorting the rota for who is going to be 'working' at the exhibition space. The exhibition is going to be opening on Thursday, 4th December and closing on Saturday, 6th December. This gives us the Tuesday-Wednesday period to clean the exhibition space (On the Tuesday), then set up the exhibition (On the Wednesday). We will then clear the space on the Sunday. The Foundry opens (incl. bar) at 4:30pm, and closes to the public at 11pm, but we're allowed to stay in 'til 12:00am to clean up. As a result, we've tentatively scheduled the opening hours of the exhibition to be 6pm-11pm on the Thursday, then 5pm-10pm for the Friday/Saturday. For everyone who wasn't at the meeting today, please leave a comment saying which days of the Tues-Sun period you'll be free, thanks!

In celebration of the joys of modern technology, here is an MS Paint-edited cameraphone photo of the hand-drawn sketch of the room that Nikki did when visiting the space with Lee and Nat yesterday, to give people an idea of the lay-out:

The lighting system at the Foundry means that when you turn off the lights for the seperate, smaller room (aka the gallery space), it turns off the lights for the larger room (aka the hospitality area) too, so the plan is to remove the bulbs from the smaller room to give it the darkness we need. Equally, Lee has suggested finding heavy/thick curtains (e.g. velvet curtains) to hang over the door-way to keep out light (and keep the sound from any video exhibitions) and seperate the spaces. Speaking of video-installations: Karel is providing the TV, and Kate has offered the use of her DVD player, meaning we're all systems go for any kind of video-art. In terms of other items needed:
Pat has offered to donate some dummy books for the project, so we can hide work in them (They're essentially blank books).

A table (Or two...) is needed for the hospitality area to put the wind-up torches (Which Kate is tracking down) and any kind of leaflets/blurbs for the exhibition.

Lee is providing a matress, but the bed itself is still required - if everyone could keep an eye out on Gumtree or your convenient online distribution website of choice, that'd be great. The cheaper the better, and bear in mind it only needs to be a bed frame, as we have the matress and linen already. Happy hunting... In the event of us not finding a cheap 'n' easy bed, Nikki has suggested splashing out on a shiny new bed from Argos for £90, so we have a back-up plan.

For all other items - if you have something small that you can donate to be used (List has been posted previously of who's donating what) - if that could be brought into next Wednesdays meeting (Which will be back at the usual venue), that'd be great. Any larger items are going to be picked up on the weekend after next Wednesday's lesson in a van, which so far includes items from Helene and Aga. Driving all around London to pick up random pieces of linen, furniture and so on's not a fun weekend activity, so if you can bring your items in to uni that'd be great and will save us a lot of time on the weekend.

In other news: We also need to find somewhere cheap to print our posters, flyers and blurbs for the gallery - most of them are going to be on A3 (the flyers are A5, but we'll tesselate a bunch of 'em onto an A3 sheet to make life easier), so if you happen to know of any cheap printing places, then leave them in the comments! Jasmine has an idea of one place so far, but that's about as far as it goes.

Regarding submissions - a reminder for everyone in the group who wants to submit work - the deadline is this Friday, so make sure your work is in on time! The members of the submissions/curation team (You know who you are - hopefully?) are meeting on Monday at 11am to go through the work. That means if you aren't in the submissions team, you don't need to attend, so enjoy the lie-in before Andrew's lecture... (The results of the submissions team's work will be shown in the meeting next Wednesday, so as with all the meetings, if you want to help shape how the exhibition turns out, you must attend - if you don't attend and you don't like the decisions made, you're going to have to deal with it because we're running out of time, and we can't keep waiting for everyone to have their say on things before we act on them.)

The vast majority of the hairdressers who are having shots done have deposited the required money, according to May, so that's a tidy addition to the budget. Hopefully the last few will get their money in soon and that can all go ahead. Similarly, the parent who refused to pay for the headshots weekend has given Liz a cheque, so we'll see if that clears and then hopefully that weekend's money will have been taken care of too. Liz also let us know that the Sunday Slippers gig made just over £30, which is again a great addition to the budget. Kudos to all involved.

Lastly: The schedule for the 2nd and 3rd December is that we're all needed to attend the Foundry on the 2nd (a Tuesday) to help clean the space. It's pretty filthy according to the group who went yesterday, so it's going to require a fair amount of cleaning. Get involved! For the 3rd (The Wednesday) - we aren't having our meeting at uni, but we're instead going to be going to the Foundry to help set-up the exhibition and iron out any kinks before the grand opening).

That pretty much covers it all - if anyone has any questions/edits, leave a comment and I'll try and answer/cover up my mistakes.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

here are the pictures of the actual room in which we will construct the personal space


so myself, lee, jaz and nat just gotten back from the foundry....its a GREAT SPACE! well done kate! : ) really excited about using it. but back to the point of this notice.

ive made a rough....rough layout plan of the space. not exactly pro, but hey'ho.

and basically these are a few things i noted.

BED!.....we basically havn't got one. im going to trawl on Gumtree see what they've got going on for free. OR! i could possibly donate my bed to the cause. ill just sleep on a mattress . no big deal! : ) Argos obviously sell beds, the cheapest they have is at £89.99...heres the link

....what do you guys think???

also in the plan i drew up it shows how the "reception" room is going to posisbly look like, kinda thought about the idea of having it in 2 seconds, one with the food and rink. and the other with information. what do people think??

Sound is going to be abit "iffy" as the rooms are very echoy theirfore we're going to have to discuss that tomorrow as a group.

made note of more materials were going to need.....

velvet curtains...for the door into the exhibition itself from the reception room,
Books for the bookshelf,
a diary, for the bedside table,
clothes for the wardrobe,
extension leads to go around the space,
white electrical tape,
a white throw over for Helene's chair

Cleaning Brushes,
Buckets... for the cleaning of the space before hand!

obviously we'll discuss more in depth about the space, and any issues regarding it tomorrow, but just wanted to put this up as so i could definatly remembered what i noted know me!

ALSO. to the print/design team been told to mentioning that we need some advertising posters printing/doing to put up in the Foundry itself......i think i'm right in saying that : )

see ya'll tomorrow!

hey guys!
went to the foundry this afternoon with nat, lee and niks to start planning for the instillation. we haven't come across any major problems for the moment. drinks and advertising the event have been discussed with the manager, so as soon as we have the add finished we should send it straight to him so that he can put it up on the foundry's website. The venue is not officially part of first thursdays so the PR team might want to look into to that...
other than that all shall be discussed tomorrow i'm sure, so here are images of both rooms:

this is the reception room

Seminar Reminder

Just to remind you all that the seminar tomorrow will take place at BFI Southbank at 11am.
It opens at in foyer and after seeing the current exhibition we will hold the 'meeting' in the ground floor cafe. If anyone needs to take their laptop I am pretty sure they have free wifi access. Mark is the assigned chair for the meeting.

Monday, 10 November 2008


so, myself, nat, lee and mark all toddled off to the Foundary, this evening, hoping to be able to view the space. gets their, and the dam place aint even open on monday's. haha. anyways we've re-scheduled to pop round tomorrow, after Pauls lesson, so if anyway on fancies coming along, more then welcomed : )

probably leave at about 1.30ish me thinks


Sorry for not attending the meeting today, I had my reasons.
ANYWAY here is some info about advertising costs for The Metro, London Lite and The London Paper.

just a Liiiiiittle expensive in my opinion :) What do ya 'all think?

Sizes/ costs for all 3 papers Sizes/Costs for one paper

3cm x 2col = £360 + VAT 3cm x 2col = £180 + VAT
4cm x 2col = £480 + VAT 4cm x 2col = £240 + VAT
5cm x 2col = £600 + VAT 5cm x 2col = £300 + VAT
6cm x 2col = £720 + VAT 6cm x 2col = ££60 + VAT
7cm x 2col = £840 + VAT
7cm x 2col = £420 + VAT
8cm x 3col = £1440 + VAT 8cm x 3col = £720+ VAT
10cm x 4col = £2400 + VAT 10cm x 4col = £1200 + VAT

For other sizes, please do not hesitate to ask for a quotation.

Colour Charges are: +15% for spot colour or +25% for full colour.

Series discounts are:

2 inserts = 5% off

3 inserts = 7.5% off
4 inserts = 10% off

Helene X


Just to remind you, today's meeting is at 11 at the usual place.

Points on the agenda will be the issues of the food/drink at the opening, the selection of images, our finances + insurance and many, many more FUN things. :D

woop woop woop.

This is all I have to say for now. :D