Saturday, 4 October 2008

The Foundry in Shoreditch

Those of us who went along with Paul on Thursday to the galleries in Shoreditch popped in to the Foundry to have a look at the exhibition space there. Kate mentioned the space earlier already and that she knows the people who run it, so she might talk to them to find out if it's available. But meanwhile I thought it would be useful to mention it here so that everyone would know what it is.

The space is very nice, one room downstairs in the basement of this very ''atmospheric'' or ''laid back'' (if not to say shabby) bar just 1 min from Old Street Station on the corner of Great Eastern St. The bar and gallery are both very popular. So not only would it be easy to find for everyone who we invite, also a lot of other people would see it as well. I liked the fact that the stairs to the basement and the space there are quite hidden, so it would really add to the whole ''secret'' theme. Because the venue should be easy to find, not in a secret location, whereas the exhibition within it could be a bit hidden.
Did I mention it's FREE and the bar upstairs is quite cheap as well.

The pub site:
Exhibiton space site:


Sindy Püssa said...

Oh and it seemed all of us who saw the place liked it :)

Pat Naldi said...

Am I right in thinking that this was the place that Kate mentioned on Wednesday was a 'legal squat'?....If so it should be ok but we would need to pass it by the powers that be at the university beforehand just in case!Still if those of you who saw it liked it then it is worth finding out if it is available...if so then we will deal with the university.

aga said...

I really like the Foundry. It is very interesting space would go well with the subject of our project.
It has got everything we want plus it is for free!!!
It's also in a good place , a lot of art going on around that area, and it's easy to get there.
You can see on their website that there are few exhibitions already booked so we should be quick with contacting them and possibly making some booking.....