Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Draft Submissions Letter

Please DO NOT start using this to ask for submissions just yet. It is just a draft that I wanted to run past everyone to see if they thought it was suitable and covered all the important areas that need mentioning. I would also like to point out that I really don't like the name 'Secrets'. I think it sounds really childish. We need to come up with a more professional name ASAP. This is very important as the name it going to be going on all of our promotion letters and marketing stuffs. If you could give me feedback on the submissions letter it would be much appreciated.

‘Secrets’ is a multimedia exhibition that is being curated by a group of artists in London and we are contacting you today asking for submissions. This is a unique opportunity to have your work displayed in an independent exhibition in Central London at the beginning of December 2008. The theme of the exhibition is ‘Secrets’ and all work that is exhibited will be shown within a constructed environment with which the audience must interact in order to find the artworks. The concept of viewer participation is essential to this project and links in with ideas related to voyeurism as well as notions of the surveillance society. This is an open invitation for everybody and anybody to submit art works to this project, from degree graduates to self proclaimed artists.
Please read the following Submission Guidelines:
· All works are welcome, this is a completely multimedia exhibition. As long as the work is a stylized artwork that relates to the theme of Secrets then it a valid entry for the exhibition. Interpret this as you will, explore the concept, try coming with something fresh and exciting. Everything is valid, so go crazy.
· All works submitted to us must be done so by Friday 14th November 2008this will allow us to edit down the entries and choose those that we feel best reflect the overall theme that we are trying to convey to the audience. Unfortunately any submissions received after this point will not be considered.
· All submissions should be sent to (INSERT SUBMISSION EMAIL ADDRESS HERE) with an email subject line of Submission for (Artist’s Name). This will allow us to track which emails belong to which artist. Also please include a very brief description of the concept of your artwork.
· Please send submissions from an email address that you use frequently. If we should need to contact you for any reason then we shall do so by email and fast responses are critical.
· All photographic work should be sent by email and be no larger than 600 pixels wide.
· All paintings, sculptures, and other 3D “constructed” art should be photographed from multiple angles and the photos should be sent by email (again no larger than 600 pixels wide please)
· All videos or photographic slideshows should be uploaded to YouTube and the direct URL link should be sent to us via the submission email.
· Once we have chosen the works that we wish to display in the exhibition we shall contact the chosen artists and ask them to submit the full-sized artwork to us within a specified time period. If we contact you and the work is not received by the date given then unfortunately we shall have to withdraw the offer of displaying your work and give it to someone as we are on a very limited timescale.
· Please be aware that copyright for all work will remain with the artist however by submitting to this exhibition you are consenting for us to use your artwork in any exhibition related marketing, merchandise or promotion. You are also giving us permission to enter the work in to the exhibition itself.
If you should have any issues or questions then please do contact us at (‘ENTER QUESTIONS EMAIL ADDRESS’). We hope to hear from you soon and good luck with your submission.

The ‘Secrets’ Curatory Team


Niks said...

just one thing for the moment. what other way could you describe the exhibition though???? im trying to riddle my brain but nothings coming lee

Digisnapr said...

I quite like the sound of Undisclosed or Enigma :)

Niks said...

just read the draft letter, and too me it seems completely fine . obviously needs re-structuring, but yeah apart from that it notes all the key points, dates, requirements.

well done!

Niks said...

ummmm i guess they kinda sound better.
literally just typed secrets in thesaurus and it came up with Hush-Hush lol got a kind of twang to it.

Pat Naldi said...

an aside other than what was already discussed in the seminar today, but it should be correctly worded 'curatorial team'...however it might altogether be better signed off as The 'Secrets' curators.