Minutes of todays meeting... Please do read because it contains some rather important information
In attendance: Lee, Jasmine, Parveen, Paul, Nicola Penfold, Kate, Helene, nikki, Aga, Natalie, karel
· Has anyone yet contacted The Foundry regarding using it as an exhibition space? Kate to contact them as she has a contact that may be able to help.
· Lee to contact Redgate Gallery again as they never got back to us. Parveen has said she will also give them a call.
· Antenna Studios is a no go because it is too far away. Crystal Palace. Lee will contact them to tell them that it is a no go and thank them for their time
· Kate to see Jenny Owens about the universities views on us using the No ID gallery, legal squat.
· Criteria for submissions:
· Deadline 14th November Friday
· Are we going to also include Performance Art as part of the exhibition? Kate has friends that she can contacts that she can ask if they would be interested
· Paul has started work on a website and we all chose a web address that would be suitable. It is www.secrets-exhibition.co.uk(.com?)
· We discussed forums through which we could collect submissions. Have decided on using online spaces as well as asking friends/contacts as it increases the chances of us findings people to submit.
· We will use: Facebook, Myspace, Flickr, DeviantArt, Friends, Graduates, Ask Daniel For Contacts, Digiphoto, Gumtree,
· Kate will use UCAS to make a database of arts courses in the UK so that the course directors can be contacted as soon as possible in regards to getting their students to submit to the show (Art, photography, Fine Art, Graphic Design, DMA, Visual Arts)
· We will use a standardised letter/email to ask for submissions. Lee is to write this. General Mail Out Notes – Curating an exhibition, a group of collaborating artists, the keyword is Secret and this will be a working title for now, url address for the website, the email address to submit work to, the deadline, for the selection process images no larger then 600 pixels wide, work will not be credited in the actual space but contributing artists will be advertised through leaflets or other media, building a personal space (bedroom) in which the work will be placed, artists chosen to be the exhibition will be contacted and asked to send full size images, artists keep copyright, videos uploaded to youtube for preview, sculptre and painting please take photographs from multiple angles,
· Lee will have submission letter set up by the end of the day
· Paul will have the website up and running soon. Will post screenshot of design to blog for Wednesday. People can discuss final design then.
· Kate Database – Wednesday
· Groups (splitting in to little sub-groups to achieve goals):
· Design and Publicity: Paul and Karel. Will be responsible for any graphic design on leaflets, websites or public profiles etc. Karel and Paul will work together to code the website and any public profiles such as Myspace. Anything with a design element is their area, including letter heads, leaflets, tickets, flyers etc
· Fundraising: Parveen, Liz, Natalie and Jasmine
The fundraising team will be responsible for thinking up, implementing and managing fund raising events. They are more than welcome to request help if they need it and if anyone has any suggestions then please contact the team to let them know. The goal is to raise as much money as possible with the least amount of effort
· Treasurers: Helene and Nikki
Helene and Nikki will be responsible for keeping track of all incoming and outgoing funds. Everyone must keep receipts of expenditure to give to Nikki and Helene. Both of them will be responsible for keeping detailed records. Payments must be approved by both of them so contact them if you have to spend money for your individual teams BEFORE spending the money, they will have to see if it is within the budget
· Installation Team: Nikki and Aga The Installation team are responsible for curating all ideas that the group has regarding how the installation should look/ be set up. They will responsible for seeing who can lend which furniture and also be responsible for designing the space using graph paper etc to show how it should be laid out
· Insurance Team:
Someone has to be responsible for looking in to insurance for the event. Any stuff we borrow from the university will have to be covered by contents insurance and we may also have to get public liability insurance as well. Someone needs to take care of this please
· Submissions Team: Lee, Nicola, Paul The submissions team will be responsible for coordinating the image collection. They will be getting most of the online work as they already have quite an active online presence
· Hospitality: Helene, jasmine ,Kate, The hospitality team will be responsible for catering, food, drinks etc for the show. Will be responsible for afterparty.
· Locations: Should contact Francoise and Chris
· Redgate gallery to contact still
· Troubadour Gallery – contacted them already. Wednesday book a visit. Nikki to contact.
· No ID and Foundry – kate
· Antenna Studios to cancel
· Peckham warehouse – aga to call. By Wednesday
· Fundraising ideas:
· Ask everyone to contribute £10 on Wednesday.
· Raffle off a photoshoot
· Karel to design raffle tickets
· 3 Prizes: Professional Portrait Session wherever you want it within London
· Design Team to design, Fundraising Team to Print and cut up and shit
· Liz has offered a music evening , door entry. Fundraising team to sort that
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www.secrets-exhibition.co.uk is now live, though content will be discussed on Wednesday. '.com' domains are available if we need them, but cost more. secretsexhibition.co.uk was dropped in favour of secrets-exhibition.co.uk - the former looks v.dodgy when typed! (look around the middle!)
I love the layout. Great look. Maybe change the colour scheme a little but overall I think with you and Karel working on this it will look awesome-o :D Great job Paul.
lol at paul's comment..i agree the first web address looks dodgy! i love the layout of the website too! well done Paul!
Cool cool - the one online at the mo is my design - I believe Karel is cooking something up as well. Show & Tell on wednesday :-D
I am very impressed!. Keep going like this.
Wow cool i like the music and everything.
Regarding the notes on todays meeting you mention that artist's work will not be credited at the exhibition. Why?
It's just a note to myself so that I can remember to put a note in the submission letter. The work will not have names next to it as it will not really be suitable for the exhibition. Artists will be credited on a leaflet or a poster instead
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