Thursday, 9 October 2008

Head shot photoshoots


just after some info for the headshot photoshoot available to buy...

the 'open day' on sunday 2nd november, is that the only day?
and is it going to be in the uni studio?
and the £50 includes a cd of images (not sure about the minimum of 20 for headshots...).

thanx =)

1 comment:

Natalie Cheung said...

For the moment, it's just going to be that day. If there's lots of interest, then i guess we cant turn people down, so then maybe we will organise another day. But its strictly by appointment only, and it will be at Liz's place, not at Uni purely for access sake. But if you need more info, would probably be best to contact Liz directly about this, as she's the one organising :)