This is it, people - the opening night is already upon us! :)
We got most of the things done and decided tonight, it was a good effort, big thanks for everyone who was there. But we have just a few hours tomorrow to get everything perfectly set up, so to be able to plan our time better and get a clearer overview of what needs to be done I made a list of tasks that need completing:
blue = the stuff that's allocated and needs to be done before 16:3o)
all other things just need to be done by anyone - so if at any point someone doesn't know how to help, do anything on the list please)
* finish building the bed
- I think it was M.J. who is supposed to bring the slats (90cm please!! :D )
* fix May's image with double-sided tape onto the bedsheet
* and Georgi's image between the 2 pillows
* write secrets on to confession cards
* put 3 confession cards in the frames that are placed on the shelf
* supporting tape removed from the creepy statues that are glued on the wall
* decide where to put the ''ears'' piece (currently next to the TV)
* figure out how to solve the issue of playing the DVD's
- does the invigilator change the DVD's?; how often?; are we gonna have the other video that
we are not so happy with?
- is the TV set going to be a) turned on b) on standby c) covered with cloth d) controlled by
the invigilator?
* wardrobe needs to be sorted out
- currently empty hangers either removed or to have clothes on them
- everyone to bring a white T-shirt, so that we can fill it up more without buying any more
- Helen's photograph to be put up on the wall behind it
- Nikki or whoever promised to do it, to bring the print from the uni studio!
* Flash piece
- Paul or anyone who is good with computers to come up with a way to make it full screen
without any white borders or option to close it
- Jasmine (or was it Nikki who wanted to?) to bring earphones
* Diary sorted - are we gonna leave the prints loose in the drawer or put them in a diary?
- Lee to exchange the notebook to a diary in the stationery shop
- images to be stuck in the diary
- cover the drawer with black cloth
* Parcel to be completed
- Natalie (our master of arts and crafts :P) to turn the shoebox into a parcel
- put the ''secrets'' inside
* Rug
- Was it Helen who was supposed to bring the rug to make the room look cosier
* Finish taping the electrical wires to the walls and hide extension leads etc (health and safety)
* Clean and organize the hospitality room
- mop the floor
- put up information on the wall and table
- set up the wine table
- find a place to store all our bags/coats
* Wine glasses - we decided to get our own
- Parveen to buy the disposable ones
* Wine - are we getting some boxes and smuggle it in?! who will buy it?
* ....there was probably a load more stuff, but can't remember now....
that's right, half four, not at 7 like it says on the posters ;)
- Other days, could everyone please make sure and then doublecheck the rota when they are supposed to be invigilating or helping out on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, because if you fail to turn up it is very unfair towards the others who do. So please-please be there on time :)
- On Sunday, could everyone be there at 16:30 to help dismantle the whole thing, load stuff onto the van and clean up the place. The van will be booked from 7pm so the furniture and heavy stuff needs to be packed up and ready to go then!
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1 comment:
ark at you Sindy!....well done love : )
but yeah, no worries, im poping into uni AGAIN! in abit, so ill remember this time to pick up Helenes print..happy days! : )
and Jaz said she'll bring her in flight headphones that's all kusty.
just to stress, i know that i was later last night "for obvious reasons" but we all need to be that who can AT 4.30! cause theirs a lot of "little" things to do, but its mainly the little things that take up quite a lot of time. just wanted to point that out : )
okie dokie, shower time and then im on it for the day! : )
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