Saturday, 6 December 2008

dismantling of exhibtion : (

so yes guys, i hate to say it, but tomorrow is the day....sob, sob! : ( ...but how funny was it along the way eh! : ) something to definatly tell the grand kids lol : D

anyways ive discussed with others, and it would be best for everyone to get to the Foundry at 4.30pm tomorrow, as it takes a while to dismantle the equipment, clean up and so on.

Sindy going to or has booked the van for hire from roughly 7.30 I THINK? maybe 6.30 im not 100% sure on that one. plus we dont want to leave it too late either. so if everyone could get their bottoms round for 4.30 that would be grand! : )

p.s how ace is it, not having the project file to do....hahaha : )


Sindy Püssa said...

the van will be there at 7, so most of the stuff should be packed up and ready to go by then.
see u all there on sunday :)

Paul said...

Hi guys,

I won't be able to help tomorrow - I really need a day to recover from the flu... sorry.


Natalie Cheung said...

The rota should still be at the Foundry. I couldn't do tomorrow either I'm afraid. Hope it all goes smooth!

Oh, and Niks, if you store the bedside table and that at yours, i will try and arrange when i can pick it up from you sometime this week if thats alright with you :)

Niks said...

yep, yep thats kool Paul and Nat. no worries!

hope u recover love for the presentation on Wendesday lol : P