Hi all,
Just one question to the installation team. I have some furniture that I need to 'get rid with' (Im moving house you see....). SO what I can contribute with is a computer desk, book shelfs, orange armless chair and maybe a few more bit and bob's. How does that sound??
And also, if I can storage it somewhere that would be great- Lee, have you got a stoage room in halls???? Hmmmm.
please let moi know.
Saturday, 18 October 2008
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hey Helene, yeah that sounds great mate. erm i'm just trying to think of somewere we could store it. cause we dont have anywhere in halls u see mate, shall have a think of the weekend, and let u know on monday at the meeting ok dude
I have an ikea wordrobe to give away .
Niks we need think where to store those things and also how to transport them. We need someone with a car, any idea? And shall we do anything with those ferniture like paint them or put some funky wallpaper over them etc... I just worry that if we take diffrent things from diffrent people we will end up with ferniture which doesnt match at all...let me know do you want meet up and talk. Aga
well aga, this did pop up during the meeting today, and IF i got it correct, a good portion of the group were happy is the furniture was all mix and match, kinda adds to that "quirky" you know, normal-like-appearance.
Lee mentioned painting everything white. which i think some of us discussed as kinda inappropriate. what would u you like?
Daniel pop by the meeting today, and mentioned why dont we possibly look at storing the things in an actually storage space, itll only be for like a month so who knows! may be an affordable price : ) touch wood!
alsowith relation to transporting stuff. i dont want to just "put" it on people, BUT! helene did mention to kate during the meeting, that she may have a friend.....WITH A VAN! ha. so im gonna double check about that tomorrow with kate.
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