Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Question for the Design Team

Umm, maybe this is a silly question, but i just noticed on the website that the email address that Lee sent out in the email today, doesn't correspond with any of the email addresses on the website. The one that Lee sent out in the template email is info@secrets- exhibition., and the ones on the website is queries and submissions, so im just wondering because i've joined groups on flickr and have advertised Lee's one... so im just wondering if it actually exists or not??


Secrets said...

Hey nat, I have just tried it and confirm that it does indeed work :D

Natalie Cheung said...

Thanks! But umm...who is "Secrets' or is that a secret aswell??

Secrets said...

its lee. The email for the gmail accound is secrets.exhibition and i can stay logged in to the gmail account if i log in to blogger with the same account lol

mayflower said...

Hey natalie,
If you need more people to work on the fundraising team i would like to get involve and help out. If you need someone to hand out some more posters, flyers etc im happy to help.

Soz about taking your nice pen the other day,i'll give it back when i see you next!

Natalie Cheung said...

Yeah thats great May, i'll update you on Fri about the poster and flyers :)

Paul said...


Just to confirm; we have 3 email addresses. They all forward to the same account, so it doesn't really matter which one people use. They are:


Any worries please give me a shout here or at

Cheers :-)