Sunday, 12 October 2008

Open Day for Head Shots - adverts to download

Hi all who want to advertise the Open Day for Head Shots.

I've just uploaded the A4 and A5 size posters/flyers, which you can print out in black-and-white. You can see the three different designs here. The girl above is number 03, the boys below are numbers 01 and 02. All files are PDF.

Here are the links:

A4 size

A5 size

The web site design for the exhibition should be up and running by Monday morning. Hopefully. :)


Natalie Cheung said...

Hey this looks great! Well done guys! I'll probably try to print some off and maybe we could stick it around uni or something like that.

aga said...

wow, I really like it!! Looks very professional.

Niks said...

well done Karel! great job!! : )

Niks said...
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mayflower said...

These posters are fantastic. well done!