....sorry about the capitals and (!), but just wanted to stress the urgency : )
so ive got a list, which i re-did and re-went threw when i was the chair lady at our meeting the other week, of people who have said that they can contribute equipment to the exhibition...much much thanks! : D. the list is as follows.
Karel - Tv... i have Liz noted down as being able to donate, so who's it going to be, : )
Lee - Bed
Helene - Bedding
Helene - Chair
Helene - Desk
Lee - Draws
Helene - Bedside Table
Helene- Bookshelf
Aga - Wardrobe
Lee- Computer
Lee - Computer Desk
Karel - Linen.... but isn't that the same as bedding??
Nat - Pillows/Cushions
In terms of clothes guys, i was thinking because its cheap as chips ; ) shall we just get like clothing from primark??? what do you think?
Ive got down on the list that Helene said she could donate clothes, is that still true Helene?
can anyone else think of anything else we may need?
*IMPORTANT* people who are supplying electronic goods PLEASE PLEASE just make sure we have all the proper leads, cables, controls etc in advance. cause obvious it'll all go pete tong without them lol : )
*IMPORTANT* can EVERYONE who's on the list/can donate equipment please, please send me photos of the stuff ASAP. i like to think us the installation team are giving enough time to get the photos, double check everything for this to go smoothly. because we dont want to have the trouble with the stuff say a week before the opening, cause that aint fair. so everyone *please do, do this* : )
email me the photos to
and IF anyone else wants to donate, or take over from someone else please please feel free, just let me know yeah : )
Meeting on usual, so we want all the photos emailed to me by then, so us the installation team can get on with it. : ) . im not normally like this guys, but seriously if we dont recieve them then its just a joke. i dont want to be harsh, but people need to be listerning to me when i say we need this stuff doing.
ok ok! stress levels de-scaling lol.
Friday, 7 November 2008
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Firstly... BREATHE! lol Secondly, I should be able to photograph the stuff this weekend, I just gotta get my room tidied first :P :P :P hehe
With the clothes, I think we should just get people to donate as many white clothes as they can and we will mark them in some way so that we can tell what belongs to whom. That way we only have to buy a few tshirts etc in order to print on to.
The one thing I have been thinking about is that we are going to need to start planning what is going in to the furniture. For example, is some of the artwork going in to a diary? If so we will need to buy one. what else are in the drawers? What kinda books will be on the shelves? What kind of photoframes?
I know its only small stuff but I think the installation team needs to come up with a few ideas as to how the space will be laid out for discussion with the class soon, so that we can start getting stuff together asap.
Also, whats the score with storage?
yep, yep, yep...ive always been thinking abut that anyways lee since given the task of installation. so ive got a few notes on what can/could go in what etc.
we'll discuss it in mondays meeting : )
also for storage, were meaning to ask u, have u managed to get a reply back yet from that lady about eileen house?
if it comes to it, which im pretty sure it has, and it dosnt matter i could always store the stuff in myroom.....yeah have u seen my room lee lol. its like a good a size ha.
but yeah by all means as long as we have the stuff, then thats so much weight taken off, and ill be fine storing it here. im pretty sure ill have enough space. would maybe need Georgis uncle/dad/friend (forgot who it was) to bring the stuff here,
: )
also on the installation anouncement ive said that if people wanna start bringing the little things in like clothes,linen,bedding,pillows etc etc next week that would be FANTASTIC! ill happily take them of their hand and store them here. : )
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