Saturday, 8 November 2008

silly question

so i just wanted to clarify really about the room situation. are we placing up temporary boards then for the exhibition to make the room?.

me, aga, and mark AKA THE IT TEAM!!! are going to pop along to the foundry hopefully early next week to see the space as a team : ) so i just wanted to double check really.



Digisnapr said...

What do you mean temporary boards?

Niks said...

i thought we were talking about the idea of having like partician walls???? u know to construct the bedroom space within the space of the foundry???

my bad, if were not lol. sorry. i havnt stopped since i woked up like at

Digisnapr said...

That wont really be needed. By the sounds of it the rooms we are getting are just larger then bedrooms, so if we put up partitions then we are going to be severely limiting the space in which we can put work, and people can explore.

Niks said...

oh ok then, thats cool!!

cheers for clearing that up for us lee : )