Friday, 7 November 2008

installation team....

Are we still looking for furniture....? If yes gumtree have section where people offer different things for free, furniture as well...... . You just need transport...I remember Georgi saying we could use his van which would be great. Myself and my boyfriend have a car so we could pick up somthing which isn't too big....If we could decide what alse do we need and when the transport is available I could start making some phone calls ( if I'm not in labour of course..)

I also think we need mesurements of the space so we could design it upfront , as much as I remember both of these rooms are quite small so it's important we don't end up with too many things. People need space to move between all the furniture..!

Anyway installation team I think we should meet up and maybe organize some trip to The Foundry, I'm not too mobile lately but I could always ask my boyfriend for a lift...

Nikki and Mark; please let me know when we could meet up.... and hurry please I had my first contractions yesterday and I'm running out of time....:)



Niks said...

oh my days aga! sorry but i did laugh reading that post lol....just the fact your having contractions....its crazy love.

but yeah im all for you, me and mark poping to the foundry, as u mentioned it probably is miles better if our team go together as a team. at least we'll be able to brainstorm of each other or whatever : ). m feel whenever u wanna go really love, monday??? oh yeah we have a meeting at 11am "I THINK" on monday, so we could always go after that? what u think? ill get in touch with mark aswel : )

plus we'll probably need to get in touch with the foundry first see when its open and if we can come view the space. ill give them a bell tomorrow, after ive got in touch with mark : )

and in terms of funishings etc, did u read the list i put up previously? im pretty sure were sorted for stuff love from people in class : ). again il be keeping an eye on this over the weekend.


Katia Antz said...

Aga, you have done enough already. If you man the computer and keep an eye on what is going on in cyberspace the rest will get done.

Enjoy you last few days of peace and do not stress about this project at all.

Good luck honey