Sunday, 7 December 2008

2morrows meeting!

so i think alot of people have agreed that tomorrows meeting should take place at 1pm now. simply cause it means we all get more of a bloody well ly-in : D

so yeah everyone, tomorrow, 1pm, on the Mez. see ya'll their.

p.s its to go threw the presentations for Wendesday



Tom said...

It really wasn't helpful making this change at 10:30 last night, I for one did not see the blog and therefore did not get the advertised lie in. I am not amused.

Natalie Cheung said...

Yes Tom i agree, me and MJ are currently at Uni now because of this late notice. NOT impressed at all. And Yes, i was checking the blog throughout the day :P

Digisnapr said...

It was decided at the Foundry yesterday because nobody had set a time for the meeting. Tom I don't know how you can say you are not amused, you were in the room when the decision was made!

Mark Westlake said...

The time for the meeting got made last week, in Pat's lesson. Everyone I spoke to thought it was 11am...

Anonymous said...

Yep, same here.
The time was set for 11am and I've made plans for 1pm already as I thought we would have finished by then.

See you on Tuesday

Natalie Cheung said...

It was decided on Friday just after Paul's lesson, because i was the one that had brought it up!! And it was agreed to have it at 11am.

Tom said...
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Tom said...

This is indeed true - others may have organised a new time but I knew of no such thing and evidently the rest of the class were under the same understanding. Clearly being in the room is of no consequence to such decisions being made: this should not a guarantee of understanding and/or agreement. I hope this clears up my reasons for being 'unamused' and having my day's plans messed up at such short notice.