Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Feedback & Essay

Hi folks

Thank you for the presentations today it was a mammoth session, and I really appreciate how hard you all prepared for them (MJ sorry you had to drag yourself out of your sick-bed, hope you feel much better soon), (and Nicola thank you for the baked cookies, delicious!).
I hope participating in and listening to the other presentations today was of benefit to you all. So much has transpired over the last twelve weeks that I feel it was important for everyone to get an overview of the process and reflect on the project outcome.

I will be providing you all with written feedback on the project overall, and your individual contributions of the project management and presentations. As this is not an official university ‘report’ (none is required other than the marks), I will be emailing you all this feedback individually….they will not be passed on to the university. However, as there are so many of you do bare with me as this will take me a few days to compile! With the essay (I’m afraid), the feedback/comments are written out on an official form that then goes back to the university. As you know your final overall mark for this unit will be a combination of the project management, presentation, and essay.

So the essay!! As discussed earlier today the following is confirmation of a happy (?) compromise (as I am the only person to be reading and assessing the essays I can confirm that these are the amended guidelines that I shall be going by):

  • Ignore the essay title/question that is in the Unit Guide, and use the title:
  • ‘SECRETS: A Collaborative Project’

  • 1500 words (which allows you %10 under or over word count. As Paula correctly pointed out I won’t be counting the words, however I can instantly tell by sight if the word count is too short!)

  • The essay should critically evaluate the key advantages and disadvantages of working collaboratively by reflecting on your SECRETS project/exhibition process and outcome as a case study. Over the last twelve weeks you have done the ‘groundwork’ for this essay so this amended version of the essay will allow you to use and expand on some areas that you already prepared for your presentations (you are half way there already as it were!). Remember it is a reflection on the collaboration of the project overall…not just on your specific ‘job’.

  • Feel free to include images/illustrations

  • However in terms of the ‘technical’ aspects of the essay: structure, content, presentation and analysis, these do remain the same (I’m sure you are already very familiar with this from other projects and dissertation but do check with the unit guide to make sure)

  • Deadline is 16th January 2009

I hope this is clear, but if any of you have any questions, concerns, whatever, then do please email me as I will be more than happy to help.

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