Monday, 8 December 2008


Sorry i couldn't make it in the end today, i had to run off to the hospital at the last minute. Could someone please update us on how the meeting went today, and what was discussed about the presentation, and how its gonna go for the benefit of those who couldn't make it??

Much thanks



Pat Naldi said...

Yes I agree. I can see from the blog that not everyone was able to be at the meeting today for differing reasons.
Can i reiterate though that you all co-operate with each other whether it is face to face or virtually because the presentation 'flowing' as a whole will reflect positively on all your marks....but if it doesn't again that will reflect on ALL your marks! The structure for each individual presentation is a collaborative presentation.

So could EVERYONE be filled in as you ALL need to be 'reading from the same page' as the saying goes!

Digisnapr said...


We just basically went through the order of the presentation and decided what we wanted to talk about in each section. Then we opened the group up to ciritiques of each section. If you want i can give you a call tomorrow during the day to go over it with you?

If you prank me tomorrow morning when you are available I will call you back and we can go through everything that was discussed. It wasnt very much to be honest. If you have slides that need to be put in to the overall powerpoint presentation then it will need to be done either tomorrow afternoon or really early wednesday morning. i think we agreed on three slides per person, per topic so that we dont have too many. Nicky and Paul have been putting together the presentation this evening. I still need to add my slides because i have had other things that needed doing.

Mark Westlake said...

Nat - from what MJ was saying today, I'm starting it off for our team and talking about the room idea, it being in the dark (Health & Safety, etc.), the setting up of the project, getting everything there, and... well, that's it, really. I think MJ said he was going to make sure he talked about the diagrams and stuff like that that we drew up, the reasons things went where they did, and so on. If you give him a message/buzz he'll be able to help you find out what you're talking about, but it'll be along the lines of just saying why we put stuff where we put stuff, packing the exhibition up, and so on. If you want to talk to me about anything, my usual e-mail address is markatstyle43dotcom.