Wednesday, 12 November 2008


Here are the not-really-minutes-but-close-enough-notes from today's meeting in the caffeine-fuelled BFI Filmcafe:

First of all, Natalie is sorting the rota for who is going to be 'working' at the exhibition space. The exhibition is going to be opening on Thursday, 4th December and closing on Saturday, 6th December. This gives us the Tuesday-Wednesday period to clean the exhibition space (On the Tuesday), then set up the exhibition (On the Wednesday). We will then clear the space on the Sunday. The Foundry opens (incl. bar) at 4:30pm, and closes to the public at 11pm, but we're allowed to stay in 'til 12:00am to clean up. As a result, we've tentatively scheduled the opening hours of the exhibition to be 6pm-11pm on the Thursday, then 5pm-10pm for the Friday/Saturday. For everyone who wasn't at the meeting today, please leave a comment saying which days of the Tues-Sun period you'll be free, thanks!

In celebration of the joys of modern technology, here is an MS Paint-edited cameraphone photo of the hand-drawn sketch of the room that Nikki did when visiting the space with Lee and Nat yesterday, to give people an idea of the lay-out:

The lighting system at the Foundry means that when you turn off the lights for the seperate, smaller room (aka the gallery space), it turns off the lights for the larger room (aka the hospitality area) too, so the plan is to remove the bulbs from the smaller room to give it the darkness we need. Equally, Lee has suggested finding heavy/thick curtains (e.g. velvet curtains) to hang over the door-way to keep out light (and keep the sound from any video exhibitions) and seperate the spaces. Speaking of video-installations: Karel is providing the TV, and Kate has offered the use of her DVD player, meaning we're all systems go for any kind of video-art. In terms of other items needed:
Pat has offered to donate some dummy books for the project, so we can hide work in them (They're essentially blank books).

A table (Or two...) is needed for the hospitality area to put the wind-up torches (Which Kate is tracking down) and any kind of leaflets/blurbs for the exhibition.

Lee is providing a matress, but the bed itself is still required - if everyone could keep an eye out on Gumtree or your convenient online distribution website of choice, that'd be great. The cheaper the better, and bear in mind it only needs to be a bed frame, as we have the matress and linen already. Happy hunting... In the event of us not finding a cheap 'n' easy bed, Nikki has suggested splashing out on a shiny new bed from Argos for £90, so we have a back-up plan.

For all other items - if you have something small that you can donate to be used (List has been posted previously of who's donating what) - if that could be brought into next Wednesdays meeting (Which will be back at the usual venue), that'd be great. Any larger items are going to be picked up on the weekend after next Wednesday's lesson in a van, which so far includes items from Helene and Aga. Driving all around London to pick up random pieces of linen, furniture and so on's not a fun weekend activity, so if you can bring your items in to uni that'd be great and will save us a lot of time on the weekend.

In other news: We also need to find somewhere cheap to print our posters, flyers and blurbs for the gallery - most of them are going to be on A3 (the flyers are A5, but we'll tesselate a bunch of 'em onto an A3 sheet to make life easier), so if you happen to know of any cheap printing places, then leave them in the comments! Jasmine has an idea of one place so far, but that's about as far as it goes.

Regarding submissions - a reminder for everyone in the group who wants to submit work - the deadline is this Friday, so make sure your work is in on time! The members of the submissions/curation team (You know who you are - hopefully?) are meeting on Monday at 11am to go through the work. That means if you aren't in the submissions team, you don't need to attend, so enjoy the lie-in before Andrew's lecture... (The results of the submissions team's work will be shown in the meeting next Wednesday, so as with all the meetings, if you want to help shape how the exhibition turns out, you must attend - if you don't attend and you don't like the decisions made, you're going to have to deal with it because we're running out of time, and we can't keep waiting for everyone to have their say on things before we act on them.)

The vast majority of the hairdressers who are having shots done have deposited the required money, according to May, so that's a tidy addition to the budget. Hopefully the last few will get their money in soon and that can all go ahead. Similarly, the parent who refused to pay for the headshots weekend has given Liz a cheque, so we'll see if that clears and then hopefully that weekend's money will have been taken care of too. Liz also let us know that the Sunday Slippers gig made just over £30, which is again a great addition to the budget. Kudos to all involved.

Lastly: The schedule for the 2nd and 3rd December is that we're all needed to attend the Foundry on the 2nd (a Tuesday) to help clean the space. It's pretty filthy according to the group who went yesterday, so it's going to require a fair amount of cleaning. Get involved! For the 3rd (The Wednesday) - we aren't having our meeting at uni, but we're instead going to be going to the Foundry to help set-up the exhibition and iron out any kinks before the grand opening).

That pretty much covers it all - if anyone has any questions/edits, leave a comment and I'll try and answer/cover up my mistakes.


Niks said...

hahaha! how ace is my floor plan, i tell ya next step GRAND DESIGNS!lol

well done with the notes from todays meeting Mark! : )

aga said...

God I haven't seen you all for ages!

Anyway there are beds for free on gumtree right now and other furniture ... I made some phone calls and the problem is that people want them to be picked up straight away, I guess that's why they are for free as people need space and want get rid of things. There was one guy who offered transport just for petrol money. But I guess we have no storage space, do we? When can we bring things to the foundry?

Unfortunately I have no wardrobe to donate anymore. We needed space for baby furniture so we put the wardrobe to the lobby of our tower block and it was smashed into pieces overnight (by kids probably). Really sorry for that but that's Camberwell for you. There are wardrobes for free on gumtree but again there is the same problem like with beds.
There is charity furniture shop near me, so if I'm well I might drive there with Tim over the weekend and see what they have. I'm sure we can find something cheaper than 90 pounds....

IKEA does bed frames for £29
or this children wardrobe for £26

We would need a van to go to IKEA as they charge a fortune for delivery... but it's good place to go to pick up some little bits as well if we need them... ok I admit I LOVE IKEA they do the best sweets ever!!

Let me know what you think


Niks said...

hey aga!

hope all is well in the baby world! : D. were all very excited for u lol.

but yeah in terms of storage space, my room is the location, haha, since i have like the biggest one in the flat. thats gonna be fun!

sounds great about the bed!. i THINK if i heard correctly today, that everyone's to keep an eye out for a free bed on gumtree, and possibly get it next weekend, me and Georgi and planning on picking up furnitue from people.

plus anything else u fancy donating...white clothes lol

I think within reference to that bed on gumtree, im for paying the guy to drop it of at mine, give him the petrol money. but obviously its a group discussion isnt it!?!?. OR! ideally, we'll find another bed for free and can pick it up next weekend with Georgi : )

haha, loving the whole ikea fascination, ive got a list of things we need, WARDROBE AND BED now added to that lol. so ill have a word with Georgi, and probably the best thing to do is pick it up from ikea next week....if! everyones ok with that.


Georgi's dad to pick stuff up from Helenes next weekend we me, drop it off at mine....possibly see about poping to ikea, see what everyone else and georgi think about that

2nd Dec, after pauls presentation thingy, Georgi and myself, and mark go round to lee's and collect his stuff and pick up helenes from my place and drop it of at the foundry

on the sunday, the closing night of exhibition jessie's friend to help move all the furniture back out of the space.

bad-da-bing-bad-da-boom!!!! love it when a plan comes together! : D