good news for the posters!
The branch manager of Callprints is willing to produce A3 posters in 120gsm Xerox colourtech (whichbhas a slight sheen to it) for £1 a print +VAT as a gesture of goodwill towards our project. i'm guessing the whole won't cost more than £35 and i don't think they want their logo anywhere but can can offer them anyway...
what do you think? these could be the posters we put in the more important places and use simple photocopies for the rest. If everyone is happy with it just send me the final cut of the poster and i'll get them done asap.
it's all coming together now...woop woop!
so how many you thinking we'll get printed for that cost then?? ....hang on why am i typing to ya, u live in t'room next to me hahaha....JAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZMINE!!!!
Sounds good!
If photographic paper is any good we can get A3 for 95p each (+VAT) here:
Just a thought!
I can do the design today, but that's only if we DO NOT want sponsors' logos or artists' names on the poster.
Wow that sounds great WOO HOO! also pauls comment sounds good
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