Hi all,
This is the rota I've made for the exhibition week, for all the people that turned up to todays meeting. Anyone who wasn't there today, please let me know a.s.a.p. which days you can be there to help out, and whether it's certain hours, or the whole day etc. so i can add you to the list. I'm assuming that everybody who put their name down can help out the full day (of course except the times when we need to go to class etc.), if not please let me know so we can have a concrete rota and make sure we always have peeps at the exhibition.
If it's necessary, we can probably start allocating jobs for the exhibition week next week so that everyone knows what they're doing. The Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday will be mucky days with lots of cleaning, and moving of heavy furniture so be expected to dig in! Practical clothing would probably be a good idea :)
I think thats it for now anyway, have a good week.
Don't forget tho, that we won't need to be at the foundry til half 4 because it's not open. It might be an idea, once we have the full list of everyone, to do it in shift of two or three people.
if it's five til ten, do it in two shift of 2 & a half hours so four people cover one night. Everyone should have a go really =)
Hey nat i can be there Tues, Wed, Thurs for sure will confirm about other dates closer to them
Yeah i was thinking the same about the shifts etc. It's good to get a list of everybody available so we can work around it. I agree that everyone should give it a go, and it looks like we've got more than enough peeps. We can all discuss it further next week to see how it will go!
Thanks Alastair, i'll note that down in the rota for you :)
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