Thursday, 13 November 2008

Seminar attendance

This applies to a very small minority....however, it is VERY important. As you are aware the university does attendance monitoring of the weekly seminar registers, as obviously do I, and a high level of absence is taken note of.
50% mark of this unit is based on your project contribution throughout, included in this is also attending the weekly meetings you organise AND the Wednesday seminars. Unless you have a very good reason not to attend the Wednesday seminars which you have notified me off (and one or two of you do have genuine reasons!), then regular absence will count against you when I am assessing.

On a university technicality if you are absent for 50% or more of the weekly seminars then you will automatically fail the unit, unless of course you have extenuating circumstances that you have officially notified us of. So, as I do not want to see any of you fail this unit please discuss with me any further regular absences, otherwise I'm afraid it will count against you.

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