Friday, 21 November 2008


In case some of you do not read the comments sections....: THANK YOU to all those who ARE getting on with the many jobs that need doing, but this is to say that Niks and in an earlier post May for example, should not have to be reminding or asking for help in getting stuff done. Neither should I have to be reminding any of you that although this is a group project I am assessing (and have been assessing) each of you INDIVIDUALLY on your own contribution and willingness to contribute throughout the 12 weeks!....Although you were each assigned into groups some of those group jobs are now over or just not busy and the whole point was that you would each then take on other jobs and help out where help was needed.

This obviously does not apply to all of you, but to the one's that it does, I will NOT take on board ANY EXCUSES for any individual's lack of contribution throughout the 12 weeks, especially if you try to blame it on the 'difficulties' of collaboration or on other people. This is all VERY CLEAR!


Secrets said...

Pat you sound kinda miffed lol Is everything okies?

Pat Naldi said...

Yes miffed!!