Wednesday, 19 November 2008

hi people
sorry for my no show today, unavoidable.  Have viewed final images and appreciate the selection, good job.  Need to catch up on my role in the next stage of work, were roles delegated or what?

Found a  place to get the torches for £2.50, stronger than ones on ebay, not wind up but did a bit of research and found that the LED lasts so long that batteries will not be needed to be replaced for the duration of or project.  If this is cool can cash people ok it and I will buy the required quantity. 

Would like to gather food makers together to chat about what we are going to provide on the opening night.  Believe it is Sindy, Jess and Helene (no chaps???), can you all email me and we can arrange to plan what we are doing and give our budget to money people.



Pat Naldi said...

Thanks Kate,
Daniel should have an answer by the end of today from his food contacts.
There is no meeting on Monday, just next Wednesday's seminar as usual. Natalie and Jessica are dealing with the personalised VIP invite list for the 100 cards, so if there are any contacts you can think of list them in the comments section of the incite list asap.

Pat Naldi said...

Thanks Kate,
Daniel should have an answer by the end of today from his food contacts.
There is no meeting on Monday, just next Wednesday's seminar as usual. Natalie and Jessica are dealing with the personalised VIP invite list for the 100 cards, so if there are any contacts you can think of list them in the comments section of the invite list asap.

Pat Naldi said...

ok technical problem with the above!