Saturday, 22 November 2008


Sorry for my late replies to some of the new posts. Let me clear some things up.. 
  • Niks- I've got one pillow, not two, but its quite poofy... i thought that quite a while back someone was going to donate all the white bedding stuff, including bed sheets, duvet covers and pillow covers?? If not i could just pop out and find some white pillow cases somewhere, i could do with some anyway. Oh, and yes i'll bring down the pillow on Weds for ya.
  • Niks- I will probably need to speak with you about how i should go about get my bedside table down to you, and when would be best. But i guess we can talk on Monday more about that, as im still using it up until the exhibition.
  • I'll also pick up the transfer sheets aswell.
  • Jessica- I've got the remaining 20 invites, and i need to save them to send out to the artists themselves, which Lee is going to help out with (coz he has the most communication going with the artists). Sorry, i thought with the email you sent me that we weren't going to meet up on Friday, i guess i should have made that clearer! 
  • I have started receiving lots of the artwork through the post, at the moment, its 5 altogether. 3 paintings (the dog/cat mask one, the ghostly keyhole one, and the secret best friend one that was supposed to be a back- up), and i have also received the DVD for 'Tearjerker,' and also the light installation with the cheese grater.
  • My concerns are: the paintings are on canvas board, and one of them is MUCH bigger than we anticipated... its bigger than A1... so INSTALLATION TEAM... Niks... we need to draw up some new plans and work out what we're gonna do with them!! I'll be bringing them in on Monday, (well, i'll try to with ma small self lol) maybe we could come in earlier and hold an emergency meeting... ? Lee said we could store the works at his, or your place... is that ok?
  • Lee- the light installation guy said in a letter with the work, that he'll need to contact you about coming in sometime to install his work. Right now, its literally just a cheese grater, and a box of quality street wrappers in a box that he's sent us... oh, and a pen torch. So you'll probably be hearing from him soon.
  • The light table installation is also due to arrive sometime Monday, or Tuesday, so thats quite a lot of work we've received already.
  • Kudos to Lee for remaining loving with me through all the mishaps ;) 
That's pretty much all from my side :)


Secrets said...

Sorry for my late replies to some of the new posts. Let me clear some things up..
• I can donate pillows if needed. They aren’t great but they will serve the purpose
• I can store the works at my place if needed. I really don’t know where we are going to hide the massive paintings though... I wasn’t expecting them to be so huge. That could represent a problem.
• The cheesegrater guy did send me an email and I will contact him again. I don’t really see how he needs to set it up tbh. It sounds pretty straightforward ://
• I have recently received photos for the box thing with nails in it that makes noise and lights up. I need to show some people tomorrow. Its quite a lot bigger then expected so we will have to take that in to account.
• Dont worry about anything Nat. Small miscommunications are common ^^ Still luvs ya lol x


Niks said...

yeah thats fine nat. i can always hold the stuff at mine. no probs! : )

yeah lee told me earlier about the scaling of the painting, and too be honest with ya, even though their not the dimensions we were thinking of, i still feel that we can work well with them. say have one leaving against a wall in a corner??u know like those floor mirrors u see??? i mean its gonna be out the way of folk....

also yeah, im going to ikea tomorrow, and been snooping around on the site for bed stuff, u know just incase, and i saw a duvet for like £2.99! BARGIN!!! so what ill do is, if i see cheap enough stuff like pillows, covers etc then ill just get them : ) but if not, we can always get them during the week, i do know though that the Wilkinsons near me nan does bedding DEAD CHEAP!

but yeah nat, if you could basically bring what you can that would be cool love, and in terms of the stuff thats bring admitted at yours...erm....was just thinking "aloud" but what about possibly taking it to the foundry on the tuesday??? cause as far as im sure, lol.... me and sindy will be doing the runs to get the gear from lees and myself....maybe i could mention it too sindy and possibly pick up the work from your place on that tuesday too? what do you think??

Niks said...
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Parveen said...

hey guys i myt ave a white fitted sheet around the house and some other white bed ave a look and get back to u!

so we don't ave to go out n buy more white linen bed sheets! gota think of the credit crunch guys! :)


Sindy Püssa said...

yeah! credit crunch!
exactly my thought.
Let's try to buy only the stuff we really need.
I can lend pillows and a duvet, so no need to buy the stuff!
I also have a white bedsheet that I'm happy to donate, but no pillowcases or duvet cover that would be suitable, sorry.

Nat, do I need to come by with the van to pick something up? whereabouts do u live?
It probably won't be a problem though, but I just need to make a rough plan :)

Katia Antz said...

Sainsburys do complete bed sets for about 15 pounds, would prefer not to buy from Wilkensons, are you aware that they use prison workers for slave labour rates, in some cases under a pound a day. Google it people.

I can go collect a set when I do the shopping this week if one has not been sourced on the cheap elsewhere.

jasmine said...

yeah i've got old sheets and stuff too if needed...

Natalie Cheung said...

Sindy- Are you driving the van on the Tuesday that we're setting up at the Foundry? I live much further south... imagine where Tootng Broadway station is on the Northern Line (Underground), i live in Mitcham which is a little further out.

I will try to arrange something before then, because theres another art piece that is due to be delivered to my place (the table with the papier mache head), and a couple more bits i need to try and get to Lee's. If i cant get that done during this week, then i might need you to drive down to pick the stuff up.

Where else will you guys need to go to pick up stuff for the Foundry? So i can imagine the route...

Parveen said...

Hi guys...i found a white fitted sheet and two pillow cases! umm its white but not brilliant its been washed a quite a few tyms! it should be ok!

il bring them in on monday!

c u 2moro!

Ps: im goin primark on monday aswell afta lecture! x