Friday, 21 November 2008


just to let you know everyone I mailed about sponsorship has responed back as sorry but no, bar about three places and they have not replied at all, will chase them up on Monday.

I did not get any responce about the torches, so will say it again.
Can get LED ones for £2.50, they have five of the lights in. We will not use them enough to replace the batteries so this seems a more economical way of purchasing them.

Again, shall I get them and how many would we like???

As to the curtains, there is a material shop next to my place and I noticed yesterday that they do heavy weight curtain material. There is no velvet but lots of colors of flock style pattern. Generally their material is really cheap. What is the budget for them and how many metres do we need? I can go and price them up tomorrow or monday. Just a thought but there is a theatre in Borourgh Road building, it may be possible for us to borrow some of their curtains or black out material.

Good luck for the head shots, I hear there are a good few of you doing it, it will be fun. L0ts of deep breaths people..

Enjoy your weekends



Secrets said...

Yes the torches sound like a much better solution, and they sound much cheaper which is always a plus. Do they come with batteries included? We will need about 10 I should think. Maybe 15 in case some get broken or go walk about.

The fabric needs to be big enough to cover a normal sized doorway. We will also need some stickyback velcro as well, which can normally be bought in most fabric stores. Colour of the fabric isnt really an issue as long as it is dark and there isnt too garish a pattern on it I should think.


jasmine said...

yeah if the curtains were one block colour, preferably black or something dark...just so that the exhibition space doesn't end up looking like some retirement home in hull...(yeah that's right niks i said it!!lol!).
we should get about 20 feet to be on the safe side, just in case we make a mistake with the velcro...xx

asd said...

At least a dozen torches.. Lee has got a point.

Perhaps we can sew some weights into the curtains if the material we get is rather cheap? It's not too hard to do, my granny used to do it all the time and it needn't be a fashion degree work, just stuff to keep it down.

Niks said...

yeah definatly get 15 i would say. : )

: O....jasmine RHIAN-NA-NA-NA BLATT! : O the cheek! of some french people honestly! lol

does 20 meters add up to about just more then 6ft??? lol. cause i remember using r'lee as the measuring tool. "ive seen it in done in the detective films" ; )

so yeah kate im guessing thats, all thumbs for the torches and curtains love. : )