i looked at the ikea website for beds to help u niks find the cheapest bed...n saw these two beds, they are pretty cheap and simple...
the first one is... DALSELV, Bed frame, £29.00
the second one is...EINA, Bed frame, light brown, £39.00
Communication and thoughts regarding the BA (Hons) Digital Photography collaborative exhibition project
arghhhh the bloody layout...ok
the first bed is the - EINA, Bed frame, light brown, £39.00
the second bed is - DALSELV, Bed frame, £29.00
ok it's really not very expensive, but still if we could get one for free that would be a lot better.
we should keep in mind what the size of the mattress is when buying the bed frame though.. the last thing we need is the need for a new mattress to come up as well. or is nobody lending it anyway anymore?
question - when is the meeting? Is there anything going on before wednesday? I'll arrive back to London at 3pm on Monday, so wouldn't be able to be there.
well im taking it that single mattresses that lee or myself are supplying will fit any single framed bed right??? i mean that would make sense lol.
anyways gotta go. things to do and all. bring on the IKEA! lol
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