Tuesday, 25 November 2008


Hey You Guys! (Goonies style ;)

May, Georgi and Myself, finalised the insurance application. We went for Event Insurance Services Ltd. 'One off Events' Package deal. These are the details of the package.

Equipment/ Contents - Covers your liability in respect of the accidental loss or damage to event equipment for which you are legally responsible for both at your event and in transition to or from the venue during the period of the insurance. (We specified the computer laptop and art work. NOTE! they will only pay for the reproduction costs not the value of art. So for example if a painting gets damages then they will pay for canverse and paint.)

Public Liability - This protects your legal liability to pay for compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses for accidental bodily injury, loss of or damage to property sustained by members of the public and occurring in connection with your event.

We did not feel it was important to add cancellation cover or employer’s liability as it would have cost more and not that relevant.

The insurance will cover us during the dates of the exhibition, equipment protection to the value of £2500 (as £5000 cost more). The public insurance included in the package covers us up to the value of one million, lol.

Transaction ConfirmationPlease retain for your recordsThank you Your transaction has been processed by WorldPay, on behalf of Event Insurance Services Ltd. Transaction details: Transaction for the value of: GBP 125.00Description: One Off EventsFrom: Event Insurance Services LtdMerchant's cart ID: QO11515Authorisation Date/Time: 25/Nov/2008 16:14:28WorldPay's transaction ID: 1883899786


mayflower said...

Alastair we have a problem, chat on phone soon!!! !

Paul said...

Hey Alistair,

Insurance sounds good!

Be careful publishing the details of the WorldPay transaction online - even though this is a closed blog, you never know if the Google bots may be able to search it! The 'cart ID' and 'transaction ID' could potentially be traced to you and used to scam your account.

I know it's REALLY unlikely but just felt I should mention it!

mayflower said...

oh gosh! i paid with my card, thanks for the warning paul!