Monday, 24 November 2008

Small Prints

Are you guys still going to chuck all small prints onto one file or would you consider printing the smaller ones at Jessops, as I suggested last Wednesday?

I can do that if you want, just need the files on Wednesday.

It would save a lot of time and hassle. :)


Niks said...

ok cool cool. are we on about the prints for the dummy books jessie??? lol. sorry im at a delicate stage at the moment, so im easssssily getting confused lol.

please bare with me, ha!

if their the photos for the dummy books, ill double check with Nat, and if everythings a.o.k then yup, we'll put em all onto one cd for you too print. ill let you know this evening ok

cheers love : )

asd said...

yeah, I am talking about prints for dummy book / diary, they only need to be a5 so jessops should do the job :)

Niks said...

sweet! ok ill double check things over with my "colleague" lol and get back to u asap love : )

Niks said...

so jess we've resized the images

basically we can give you the images tomorrow, after pauls lesson. theirs 6 individual artists, with one being Georgis and Penfolds work. then theirs the 11 lomo series.
i'll go threw the sizing tomorrow, as its rather late and AGAIN im getting confused slightly again lol.

cheers love