Thursday, 27 November 2008

Meeting Minutes

Hi everyone,
these are the minutes from the meeting yesterday with the assigned jobs we agreed on at the bottom. Hopefully this will be quite definitive as a snapshot of where we are at the moment in terms of organising the show but if I've missed anything out then please feel free to add it on as a comment.
See you soon - Tom

  • Budget (approx.) - £400
  • Large prints are being done by Chris for free, Jess is printing small ones at Jessops
  • Transfers are being printed by Nat onto shirts bought by Parveen who needs to buy more
  • We are having refreshments with food (Iceland?) - wine bought at the Foundry using their glasses?
  • Invigilator rota sorted (see earlier post from Nat for details)
  • Bedroom ephemera needs to be provided? (Plastic plants, books etc.)
  • Halls people need to bring their mops and buckets to the cleanup operations next week
  • Insurance has a problem but is being sorted at the moment (up to £2500 being covered)
  • If money is leftover after the show, we could either a) save for degree show or b) divide it between the group


Radio interview - Liz & Jasmine
Small prints - Jessica
Van hire - Sindy & Nikki
Website, list of works, black books - Tom
Torches, drapes, white tablecovers, DVD player - Kate
5 more shirts please - Parveen
Transfer (May) - Jasmine
Transfers (t-shirts) - Nat
Contact artists for media - Lee
Sushi follow-up - Daniel


Niks said...

just so you know, ive cut all the images today. just missing one, which ill print on Monday, no problems.

also going to that transfer place Alastair mentioned earlier, on Monday, i have a bedsheet available. will just need to purchase a new one from the buget thats all.

p.s had an A+E moment today, sliced my thumb with the dam stanley knife...ouch!! things like that should come with a hazardous warning!... in pain, much. lol

Alastair said...

Alastair - Editing of fashion head shots from the fundraising