just a quick note to let everyone know that the website has been updated to include the relevant information about opening times, along with the submissions page regarding closing dates and an update to the contacts page asking people to stop submitting work: not sure if they have been but I'm sure a few will still try as long as the link is up!
I would ideally like to update the website with an individual artist page featuring names, links, statements and images of the work. Professionally speaking the work should be in the same context as the exhibition we are working on but that can come after we have organised the space for the opening. If somebody on the submissions team could send me images of the artists work and personal statements as they are at the moment (not necessarily edited) I will get onto developing the relevant sections of the website.
I am chairing the meeting on Wednesday and I would appreciate it if people would post any other problems/suggestions/issues/jobs that need addressing onto the bottom of this post to help me plan for the session better.
Please keep these suggestions purely bureaucratic in nature though, I think the problems experienced by the group in recent weeks have already been quite clearly examined in previous messages and there is no need to repeat these at the bottom of this post.
I look forward to being your chair on Wednesday...

George Washington used to sit in this chair ~ isn't that amazing?
mr chair of the week, am unsure about:
what jobs need to be done to create the work to exhib it, printing, transfers...
do we want to provide refreshments on the opening night
info booklet about the work
ah yes! we need to find 2 ppl who want to go on radio!
Thanks Tom.
Just to reiterate an earlier comment I made about Wednesday’s seminar….so near the opening we should attempt to keep it as practical and as short as possible delegating out all the various jobs that need doing and just getting on with them.
I don’t think lsbu can quite provide you with the grandeur of Washington’s chair….so I’m afraid metal and standard grey material will have to do!!
About the refreshments, we mean drinks right? I think that it was suggested to get a couple bottles of wine from the bar in the Foundry to take downstairs (i think its like £10 a bottle?), but it was also suggested that we dont want to spend all our money on providing free booze..
Printing of any work will be done by Chris, we have already asked him, and we are in the process of resizing images and creating the relevant files to give to Chris today or tomorrow (its Lee, Niks, Jaz and myself).
I have noticed that the exhibition dates on the website are incorrect.
The opening night is from 7pm - 11pm
The 5-6 are from 5pm-11pm
Thanks Tom. I will send images and text when I have received them all. Still waiting on a few now.
comment visitor book for exhibition
Again I think we decided the times were 5-10pm...see comment on the latest invite.
Oops many apologies to all. :// *red-faced*
The opening night is until 11, not midnight though right? Because the Foundry is not open to customers after 11pm. I'm pretty sure it was discussed that that we would stay open to 11 on the first night.
Again my apologies to all for the cock up :(
I believe the correct dates have now been posted - what a palaver! Please could someone confirm they are correct for my own sanity?
hey tom, tom. so i know its abit late and all. but been pretty busy...obviously, like we all have been lol. anyways heres just a list of things ive noted which need basically doing : )
hope it helps dude!
See how Nat got on with the transfers.
Jessie getting the 8 * 10 prints from Jessops tomorrow.
Chris has alread printed off the images...for free! lol.
See is Helenes emailed the larger file of her image for Chris to print.
Sindy, we need to double check about the renting of a van, see hows she's getting on with that.
need a new floor plan for Karel to design for the exhibition itself.
Wine Glasses
Dummie Books/Sketch Books
Parveen is getting the t-shirts for the transfers.
Jaz is getting in touch about transfering Mays onto a bed sheet...
off the top of my head, thats it for now love : )
oh yeah in terms of furniture, were pretty much a.o.k on that front dude!
oops! need 2 table covers and that drape thingy for the door. kate mentioned something about having a place near her house......
back!....again! just remembered DUH!.
people to bring in pillows and what not for the bed...ill do a seperate post for that though
: )
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