Monday, 24 November 2008

Opening times

There seems to be some confusion about the precise opening far as I can remember (and I might be wrong!), the 5th-6th December opening times are 5-10pm (so the invites are correct). However the preview night is 7pm to ? Does the Foundry stay open until 12 or does it close at 11pm? This needs to be sorted for the invites which at the moment say 7-12.

Also a thought: when doing the invigilation rosta do make sure that the team always includes a male student present. Before anyone shouts at me for being sexist.....just think, it is a pub and the later it gets the worse for drink will the visitors to the exhibition be. So just as a precaution I think it would be a good policy.


Secrets said...

I am positive now (after doing some flicking through notes and stuffs) that the Foundry is open to 12 for us, but is only open to the public until 11pm. This was discussed with jonathon when Nikki, jasmine, Natalie and i went to view the space.

I guess it just depends when people want to keep the space open to. I will leave that decision up to you guys. I think I have already caused enough problems (apologies again).

I think the point Pat makes about us needing a male student present is a good one. I would like someone there to protect me should some crazy drunkard get a bit too boisterous and try to cop a feel :P LOL

Lee x

jasmine said...

hahaha! don't worry luv i'll protect u!

Niks said...

lol....lee u know ive always got ya back! ; ) hahaha...i shall just leave it at that lol

Pat Naldi said...

ok lee you can have your female bodyguards!!

Secrets said...

yes I believe someone slightly more manly then i shall be needed to keep drunken tomfoolery to a minimum... haha

asd said...

you are totally talking about me, right?


Niks said...

Hush Ya Gums Jessie....its me he's talking about lol.

mind u, if it comes to it, me and u could always take it in turns lol...can just imagine it ha